Chapter 15

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DHDIEJEI, so sorry for the lack of chapters, I've been tryna get me mental health better, it's still pretty bad, but a week and and halfs long enough without a chapter lol.

oh, also, I'm very proud of the picture, twas trying a new style and I like it.

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters.

Brit POV:

It's been a couple weeks and the attacks seem less frequent, guessing they're trying to plan for the 'final attack' while still attempting to weaken us.
Which, I do admit, it's working, Robin is very injured from being stabbed in a recent attack, and Antoni and Scotland are unable to sleep due to paranoia that we might get attacked during the night.

We have set up a system for that though, me and Canada keep watch during the night, and Scotland and Antoni keep watch during the day.

I hope to god that that's a good enough solution, for their sake.
Robin has been sent to hospital, due to the fact we won't be able to care for his injuries properly here.

I look down at my phone to check the time; {4.37am}.
"ah, this is going slower than normal."

Canada responds with, "oh yeah, todays the day they set the clocks back an hour, remember."
"oohhh, I was confused why I saw 2.30 twice, I thought I fell asleep and dreamed it honestly."

"Haha, no, I wouldn't have let you sleep--"

Canada is cut off by some rustling sounds. I think it's coming from the bushes outside the base.
We look at each other with a 'did you hear that?' type of look, and look towards the bush we heard it from.

"...maybe it's the wind?"
We hear the rustling again.

"Maybe it's just a very friendly person coming to help us-?"
I do a slight shrug and a sheepish smile to show that I'm joking.

"It's 4.30-"
"4.39 actually."
He glares at me before continuing,
" the morning, why the fuck would a 'very friendly person' want to come help us, now." he says this with air quotes around 'very friendly person'.

He has a point actually.
"and the fact that we're awaiting another attack, probably lowers our chances of it being a 'very friendly person'"

"then who would it be?"
"...I don't know, but let's not go to them, let's await for whoever it is to come to us."

I nod in response and tighten my grip on the pistol I was holding.
I was so confident in us at the beginning of this... now I'm not to sure, our paranoia is getting the better of us.
It could just truelly be nothing but the wind, or a wild animal, and we're too anxious about another attack to think of that.

I keep my eyes on the area the noise had come from, awaiting for something... anything to jump out at me.

I don't know how I've not gone crazy by now.
I glance over to Canada who was frantically switching between looking at the clock on his phone and looking at the bush.

"you know, all this stressing isn't helping us, I'm gonna go sit down and check if any of our phone lines are back up."

"yeah, we don't need both us looking at it, bet you atleast 1 is back up."
"I bet none, what you betting?"

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