Chapter 25

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Oh god, here comes my death.
Tw: Smut, bad bad smut.

Remember to check you've read the other chapters.

Brit's POV:

The rest of the afternoon passes quicker than expected, Lia eventually having to go.
But not without a very long hug and prelonged goodbye to Ukraine and Belarus.

Once the sky had officially presented itself as night, we were shown our respective rooms for the remainder of the night; thankfully, Ukraine and Belarus' seperate to mine and Soviet's, but still adjacent.

Meaning they could definitely hear us unless we stay quiet; which I plan to, because.. shock horror, I don't want to get caught doing the deed, that's just a bit awkward now isn't it?

"Thanks again for letting us stay, Olena" I say in a hope to make sure the mother of my boyfriend doesn't eventually despise me. Which I know she wouldn't, but still, it's good to stay on people's good side with small gestures of appreciation and kindness.

"And once again, I don't mind, I'm glad I can finally see you all again, all grown up." She speaks with a tissue box on stand by incase she tears up.
"anyways, don't let my woes bother you, good night to the both of you," After hearing us both return the good night, she had left our designated room to what I assume was to say her good nights to the other two aswell.

Thankfully, she knows to close bedroom doors behind herself, so that saves me a job. I didn't want to walk any more than I needed tonight.

I turn towards the direction of Soviet, to see he had sat down on the edge of one of the beds in the room. There were two, but I think we'll only need the one.
"so, do you think she'd mind if we were a bit loud tonight then?"

Rolling my eyes, I move to sit atop his lap, lowering my voice to solidify my next point,
"as long as I can help it, we're leaving this house with none of them suspecting anything."
I kiss him gently to start off, pulling away after a few seconds, but keeping our faces close,
"you got that?"

He pulls me into a more intense kiss, biting my lip to send a shock of delight around my body.

He places a hand around my waist while the other spurs into motion by rubbing my neck soothingly; almost reassuringly, and he brings me closer, deepening the kiss further; only ever taking a few short breaks to breathe.
After a while I could feel him getting fidgety beneath me, like he was getting inpatient.

This is quickly confirmed by what I assume he thought was a discreet but failed attempt to get my shirt off. Holding back my chuckling, in hopes to not ruin the moment, I aid his otherwise futile attempts.

Theres more kissing, with more short breaks to strip more peices of the others outfit away; eventually leeaving us both naked.

He takes a few short moments to admire my body; which to anyone else I would attempt to hide, give them less to see, but for him, I only felt the growing need to show off more.

Breaking his focus with a swift movement, I kiss his cheek, moving my lips across a healing scar- only stopping to kiss that for a slightly longer amount of time.
I had learnt awhile ago that he felt little to nothing when it came to the majority of his scars, allowing me to do whatever I pleased with them.
Within reason ofcourse.

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