Chapter 7

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The picture is a bit wrong, sinse it's not June in the story anymore, but I can't be bothered to change it. :/
I just used it as an excuse for people to know their sexualities lol.

Ports POV:
(the first bit is her catching us up.)

It's been a couple months sinse we met Britain and he's fit in really well, although there are a few countries that talk about him behind his back.

They're so stupid to say that stuff when I'm right next to them.
One of the things people do, is saying how he's "untrustworthy" for making "friends with the communists" and/or "he's the son of the british empire, he's probably really like him, even his flag is similar."

I've told Brit this everytime I hear it but he's decided to ignore it, he knows they're wrong, for such an anxious person he has a good mentality.

Aside from the bad stuff, I've met who he lives with, Norway. She seems really nice, shame that she's like 3 years older than me and taken.

And I've spoken to his siblings, they're all nice, loud but nice.
One of them in particular has caught my eye, is it bad to have fallen for someone, just by their voice.

I don't keep it a secret either haha.
I was nearly as excited as brit when we heard that, Scotland, England and Ireland got jobs and were nearly able to afford train tickets. Damn. Can't wait to see who the owner of the handsome voice is.
He wouldn't tell me when I first heard it.

Okay, end of the catching up. Let's carry on with the storyy.

I enter English class and walk over to my seat, which is next to Soviet, after being told "your late, and no more excuses, you've got a detention."

(the tables are in rows of 4 so it goes (left to right) Brit, Sov, Port,  Japan.)
"did you guys hear of that 10 year old who's trying to take over the world, apparently his leader became chancellor in January?"

(^ I headcannon that when countries come into power in the human world they're around 10 in the country world.)

"Yeah, doubt he'll get that far though." Britain replys
"now watch him actually the world in a few days-"

soviet... he's 10."
"but his leader could take over the human world." Soviet says. "And plus, if he tries anything, we can Portugal on him."

I lightly hit him while saying "hey, I'm not that scary."
Britain speaks up, "debatable."

Shush, you call people wearing red in books a h0e.

"you guys gonna read?"
s- "nope, figured you'd need a friend in detention."
b- "can't be arsed."

Thanks you two, I didn't really want to be on my own with pedo Pete. (<-- nickname for english teacher)
"fair, what were you 2 talking about before I came in."

"just how we should all hang out after school today, you up for it?"
"absolutely I am, where we going."

"I need to look round the city still, and I'd rather not do it on my own, sooo, we could do that?"
S- "sounds fun"
"I'm down for that, Japan, wanna join?"

I look over to Japan and she lifts her head from the table, oops, I think she fell asleep.
Yep, she was asleep.

"do you want to walk round the city after school."
She blinks her eyes a few times to wake up a bit better.
"oh yeah, sure."

"great, I need to tell you something aswell."

~~~~{Time Skip}~~~~

(conversation with Jap and Port)
(at Portugals house.)

"right, so is it just me who thinks something going on between those 2?"
Japan looks a tad bit confused before realising and saying;

"like they're dating?"
I guess so, yeah, or they're just
cosplaying as homophobic boys friendships. "something like that, yes."

"not really, but atleast one of them likes the other, and the other one hasn't realised yet, do you want to get China in on this so she can find out some thing from soviet?"
Japan, you are a genuis, how could I not have thought of that.

"great idea, I'll ask her to come over now."

After I call her and ask her to come over, we wait in a comfortable silence for China to arrive.
As soon as she did, Japan asked,
"do you want to find out if those two like eachother."

"who are "those two"?"
I chirp in with "Soviet and Britain."

"oh- yeah, I already know that Soviet does, he told me like yesterday."
"and you didn't tell me???"

"yeah, kinda forgot, sorry, he just came to me because he was confused in his feelings, and needed help figuring it out." China sighs. "his words."

Japan takes a moment to think before saying, "Do you want us to help figure out if Britain does?"

"absolutely, anything you want me to do?"
"are you friendly with Mr Adavadaca."

"are you able to ask if he can help us, by using his teacher privileges, and you can see if any progress occurs between the two." And with that, Japan takes out her phone and makes a group chat for us three.

"I can see what I can do."
I turn to go to the kitchen, "okay, do you guys want anything, like a drink? While we're all here we can actually talk about something else that's not entirely creepy."

"no, thanks" they say near unanimously. Creepy.
"but what do you wanna talk about?"

I walk back into the room they were in after getting a drink, and say. "well, we're gonna have a science test next week, wanna study for a bit?"

"yeah, sure, we can see what the conversation turns into after."

~~~~{Time Skip}~~~~

(In Maths class, the following day)

China informed us that she had got Mr Adavadaca into our little plan and that he'll do little things here and there to try get something between them.
Aka, he's going to get the class to talk about random things, including friendships, relationships and other things.

DHDJDB, they're gonna hate us for doing this.


Sorry for how like, bad this chapter is, I couldn't think of anything, but didn't want to leave you without a chapter today sooo.

Also, my parents want me and sister to start wakiny up like half an hour earlier so they can force us to eat breakfast.
I'm not looking forward to it.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this shitshow and have a great time zone.

Love you all and see you in the comments.

word count- 1113

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