Chapter 5

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I actually have no idea what I want here, but there might be a few time skips, I don't know, maybe a few in the next chapter aswell.

Brits POV:

The teacher was trying to explain something to us for a 'welcoming' task that we're doing.

I should probably listen but everytime I try to, I end up looking at him. Guess I just can't wait to befriend him.

He never looks at me, which, saves me an awkward situation, what if he caught me staring?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts and look to where I heard my name being called. It was the teacher, who's name is I think, Mr Abracadabra.

"do you want to do this or are you to busy falling for someone to know what we're doing?" FALLING FOR SOMEONE???? no no, I am not. Even if I was, theres no way I'm telling them.

I stare blankly at him, not wanting to respond.

"so you don't know what we're doing, alright." he sighs a bit. "we're saying our name and age, and if you want saying a little something about yourself."
I can't exactly get out of this now, can I?

"I'll start, I'm Mr Adavadaca."
Ah, I was close.

After what felt like an eternity of whatever that was, the teachers goes back to physics. I can't be bothered to focus to be honest, so I go back to wondering how I'm gonna befriend, him, whos name I've learnt is the Soviet Union.

It's a nice name. (Cute name for a cute person(<-- brits thought that he didn't know he had))

DHDIFHFJ, I can't wait for this class to be over so I can ask him to be my friend. Damn, I must be lonely.
Dads fault for making me this way you know.

After about half an hour, the bell rings for the next lesson, unless theres only like 1 lesson in a day. But, unfortunately that won't happen.

I opened my mouth to speak to him, but no words would come out.
Are you kidding me?
Why can't I talk, I really wanna be his friend.

Luckily he doesn't notice my flook, or if he did, he didn't notice, and gets up to leave.
I've got until the end of the school day to be able to brag about getting 2 friends.

I can do this.
I can't do this.
I walk to where Portugal is waiting, and go to the next lesson together.

Should I tell her about my want to be friends with Soviet, or nah.
I want to, I'll wait for break I guess.

Maths. Damn it, why all the lessons I can't do first?
But he's in this lesson, so thats a positive.

Please for the love of god, no more introductions.
I walk into the classroom behind Portual, and luckily, noone is telling me to introduce myself, yet.

A slightly shorter woman spoke, "you must be Britain, you can sit next to Portugal." FUCK YES. Damnnn, I can possibly tell her.
"thank you."
I follow Port to our seats, and sit down. At the back, nice.

I wonder where Soviet is. Looking around slightly, I see he is also sat at the back, but next to a girl who looks slightly younger, whose flag is also mostly red, with, I think, stars in the corner.

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