Chapter 18

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We've spent 5 chapters on the war, so I'm gonna try hurry it up abit.

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters. :)


Scotland's POV:

I walk up to the door alongside the Brit and greet America, Wales and England... and apparently a few soldiers the three had brought with them.
Well, we are definitely winning the war now.

I shout over to Robin,
"Robs, do you mind showing the soldiers to their rooms."

"no, I don't mind, but what about England, Wales and America??"

Britain responds for me,
"They've gotta greet the others first."
I turn around to see an excited Canada walking towards us with Soviet following behind, death-glaring the American.

Damn, he really must not like him then.
With a wide grin America tries talking to Soviet,
"Well, it's nice to meet you again."

Soviet dismisses what he said and talks to Wales,
"so, how's well, life?"

Wales, in return, gives a confused look, "why are you ignoring 'murica, and life is good, I miss kiwi tho."
New Zealand had been sent to help defend the base on the south side of the city alongside her older brother, Australia, a few other available commonwealth countries and their soldiers.

"don't like him, and don't want to talk to him more than I have to, and of course you would, it's been, what? nearly 2 years?? sinse you have last seen her."

Wales hums in response and asks,
"fair enough, how are you, and I thought you were on the enemy side? what happened?"

"better, just slowly gaining the trust of everyone here." He scratches the back of his neck out of awkwardness before carrying on, "and I'll tell you what happened after."

Throughout this entire conversation America had been trying to get Soviets attention before giving up and talking to Canada.

We hear Antoni running down the stairs, and Britain instantly moves to the bottom of the stairs, probably to make sure Antoni doesn't fall. Again.

This doesn't help, for he still fell.

By now Robin had come back to the main room with a few of the other soldiers.

He walks over and helps Antoni up,
"Ant, you okay? please, for the love of god, be more careful."

Antoni says in response,
"yeah, I'm good, thanks, but I wanted to say hi to the new arrivals."
I take this upon myself to introduce the others.

~~~~{Short Time Skip}~~~~
(after introductions)

Britain and Wales are in another room looking for синий, Bonnie and Canada's cat, a male cymric named Button.

One of the American soldiers speak up and ask,
"so, are we going to work on freeing the other countries and killing J.E"

Canada adds on, "and Third Reich."
The soldier reluctantly also adds on "yeah, him aswell."

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