Chapter 28

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Happy new years!!!!

Remember to check you've read the other chapters. :)


Sov's POV:

(1 month later)

Ah, we start this chapter off in the meeting room once more, and Chinas just scrolling on her phone while North Korea and Vietnam argue with their respective southern enemies.

I'm only partially listening to what they're shouting about while I write down some basic ideas that come to mind, about well, anything really.

Suprisingly, only a couple of the things I wrote down were about this meeting, or the events that were occurring in the cold war at the moment.

"psst, Soviet" China also nudges me to get my attention if I hadn't heard what she had said.

My full attention falls upon her, "yeah, what is it?"
She shows me her phone screen, which reads;

Fairy the R.E killer has struck again. Four now announced dead. All 4 previously human representatives on the communist side of the current war.

Their pictures were shown underneath, and I recognise all four specifically being the people who refused to tell me their names.

This Fairy person has been killing alot of people, in a seemingly random pattern. Although on multiple occasions the words "I'm coming for you next" have reported to have been written on the sides of carrots in shops.

She just nods, noticing my notes after a while. She picks them up and scans through them, giving a 'seriously?' look after.
I shrug at this and take my notes back.

Leaning back on her chair slighty, she stretches. To be fair this meeting has been going on for awhile now,
"I thought you'd atleast be writing about this."

"I started off writing about this, but then, it got boring so I gave up,"
A ghostly silence fell across the room as soon as I finished that sentence. Why does the room go silent at the wierdest times?

America seems to be only one that dares to break it, "Soo, you lot finished shouting, or....?"

North Korea glares at him,
"bold of you to say when every other meeting has just been you shouting at one of us, or trying to argue with Soviet."
With that he pats my head as if I were a pet.

"I don't know what you're talking about, North Korea, noone has seen me try to do that."
He looks at the capitalists to his right who are eagerly nodding along to whatever he says for his approval.
South Vietnam and South Korea.

And then to his left, who only one just nods along slowly; the other's head on the table - physically right next to him, but mentally miles away. Although it only took a nudge off of France to bring him back to reality, he still seems too disorientated for anything other than staring blankly at America.

To which America rolls his eyes, and repeats what he had said before with a slight growl added to his speech.
"noone has seen me try to argue with anyone, have they, Britain?"

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