Chapter 9

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I was about to start writing when I realised I hadn't done the picture yet, I'd only done up to chapter 8.

Ports POV:

It had been like a month since we had helped the Brit, and there has been little to no progress with confidence. Which is fine, obviously, Chinas resorted to asking Soviet to... which she won't give me any intel of what's happening.
But both Britain and Soviet have been spending alot of time together, without us, which is just hints that they'll get together sooner than we thought.

I assume that she is trying to talk him into it.
Which from an outsiders perspective, looks like she's just mithering (is that how you spell it?) him in hopes of him cracking and finally doing it.

Damn... sometimes I wonder what would happen if we didn't get involved, lol.
I want them both to be happy, and sometimes that needs a little push.

I wait outside of history for Britain, because its the last lesson of the day and I want to see Norway again.

Why is he the last one to get out, again, I wanna meet see Norways doog.
I open the door slightly with my foot and cross my arms.
"hurry up, I wanna leave."

"wait, just getting thinking about something."
Turning to Miss Hensbridge, I say "miss, is he a nerd?"
"yep, would be nice if he talked more though-"

I immediately see the Brit leave the classroom and speed walk down the hallway, with a "goodbye" to miss and a mocking "hurry up then" to me.

"see you tomorrow, miss."
I quickly catch up to britain, and notice a small, rectangular peice of paper in his hand.

"so are you going to tell me what that is?"
"nope, well not yet." he responds, facing forward.

"also, just so you know, if Norway wasn't taken already, I would 100% date her."
I'm met with a slightly disturbed look and the words, "oh, nice to know that you'd fuck my brothers girlfriend."

"I didn't say fuck, but alright."
"it's you, everything means to fuck."

~~~~{Time Skip}~~~~
(at Norways house)

Brit's POV:

I stare down at the peice of paper that Soviet had left me at the end of history.
It read the words

Will you be my

□yes            □no

It's kinda cute, actually, but I don't know how to answer, is it too soon into *our* friendship to be doing this?

I'm not sure, I wanted this, I really wanted this, but I don't know if it's smart to say yes or no.
I'll just wait for Portugal's input.

She's downstairs fantasising about Norway and England.
I guess she'll be excited to know they will be able to move within the week.
And what alot to explain to them.

I wonder how they've been surviving there, without me.
Have they been okay, ofcourse they've been okay, otherwise they wouldn't be moving here.

I hear the door to my bedroom opening and see Bane running into the room, closely followed by Norway and Portugal.

"so, you gonna tell me what the peice of paper is, or no?"
"yeah, all you've been doing is staring at it." Norway added on.

I silently hand the paper over to Portugal, who has a deeply concerned face, while I hug Bane.
Portugals face immediately turns to excitement with Norways soon after.
"what you gonna choose?"
"..I don't know, I wanted to have your input on it."

"oh, personally I would say yes, because you have wanted it for ages, and everyone in the friend group has noticed and it's getting annoying that nothing is happening, and I want you to have a boyfriend before I leave school."
Okay, she had alot to say, she made some great points though, why am I thinking so far into the future.

I'll figure out the future when I get to the future.
Norway added "I want you to have something to brag to Scotland about, honestly."

"damn.. so, uh, what do I do?"
"wait till the end of the day, if you're sure about it by then, tick yes, if not, tick no."
Great advice Norway, why has she always got the best advice.

"Bane, you'll help me, won't you?"
Simultaneously, Bane barks as if to say he would.

Soviet looks like he would give great hugs. Infact, he does give great hugs, very warm...
I wonder what it's like to constantly get hugs from him-
shush, brain, I need to think about whether I want to be with him or not.
But, hugs.

Wouldn't everyone question us, the talking "behind our backs" will get worse, I don't want it to get worse.
The one with the blue, white and red stripes has a very annoying accent, but she speaks rude words, I dislike her.

More people would know about our sexualities, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
Portugal would batter them, if people said something homophobic, I have nothing to fear, apart from when Portugal leaves.

I guess I gotta start building my confidence up, and I'll start with saying yes.
Is that good?
I hide my head in Banes fur while he tries to lick my face.

I think it's good, should I say yes?

I should.
I will.
Fuck my anxiety, nothing will go wrong.

I look up to see that Norway and Portugal had exited the room.
I notice a pencil on the floor and grab it.
Should I do this?

I whisper a "shut up" and with no more hesitation, I scribble out "no" and tick "yes".
I did it, no more going back now, mainly because I don't know where a rubber (or ErAsEr) is, but because I put the paper on the desk in the corner of room, awaiting tomorrow.

"thanks, Bane."
He immediately licks my face, possibly as revenge for hugging him too tightly, but I still jolt back in disgust before laughing.


This is hella cringy-

But I somewhat like it, anyways, sorry for it being so short, and for not posting for ages, I completely forgot, and felt like shit the last couple days. so lol.

See you in the comment section.

word count: 1036

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