Chapter 19

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I have been so lazy recently I hate it sm so I'm not gonna be doing the pictures for a few chapters, I'll do em later and add them in.

Ive done the drawing now

tw: su!c!de

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters. :)


Brit's POV:
Sov+brit= 21
(a year later.)

With recent spikes in getting information here, we have been able to gain contact with the base to the south who have been able to fight off some italian attacks.

A couple months ago a Kazakh soldier had arrived to inform us that
she and a few other Soviet soldiers have been able to secure a small part of the east alongside China, and are successfully fighting off german attacks.

"We have a chance in winning, we have surrounded them the best we can." America says.

England nods and speaks,
"Me and Wales have been able to figure out where most of the guards are on the border, we'll be able to attack soon."

I stay silent, just listening to the others speak before coming up with an idea myself,
"we all have bird forms, the human soldiers don't, so they can attack the borders as a distraction while we can go ahead and free the others."

Scotland nods in approval and adds on, "we can get into contact with the south and now east bases, we can surround them."

We had been gaining more information from Japan, and were patiently waiting for her signal for it to be clear at the prisons which she had given for tonight.

She had been able to gain a position of guarding the prisoners and will be there with a second set of keys to help us get them out.

Wales decides to say something, "when are we going to set off then? Might have to go soon before it's too late."

"We can go once everyone has got everything they need." Canada states.
"also, we won't be able to carry the weapons in bird form, does anyone have a larger flying animal form??"

Me and Wales look at each other, knowing we both do.
I speak for us, "yeah, Wales and I do, we'll fly a bit higher to stay out of sight."

Canada nods at us, and with that we all go off to get everything sorted.
Wales, me and Soviet finish a bit quicker to go and tie a bag onto mine and Wales dragon form.

Making sure I have enough space around me to do so beforehand, I go first and transform.
It's been so long sinse I've been in my dragon form.

I take a moment to look at my red and white scales, making sure nothing was wrong with said form.

Slowly, I lower my long neck to make it easier for the two to tie the bag to my lil dragon body.

Wait, I can't remember if I was a fire or water dragon. I should probably check.

I wait for them to finish and open my mouth slightly, waiting for something to come out. (hopefully it comes out better than I did)

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