Chapter 26

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Oooooo, I hope to get the next few chapters out a bit quicker than previous ones.

Now check if you've read the last chapter. :)


Brit's POV:

We were now on the sofas in the living room; Soviet and Ukraine showing Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia how to switch between human and country. This working 66% percent of the time.
Can you guess which two figured it out?

If you had guessed Kazakhstan and Georgia, you would be right. But the problem now is Georgia is stuck in human form. With a bit more patience however, she'll be able to figure it out.
I know Bela will be able too soon aswell, it's just that some people are late bloomers, it took me till I was 15 to figure it out.

I yawn, still feeling tired from not much sleep. But when have I ever had a good sleep schedule? Honestly though, it has gotten better with Soviet there to help.

"did examining scars keep you up?" Arno says with a smirk. I fight the urge to throw a pillow at him, and instead just nod. I couldn't quite keep the blush from creeping onto my face, but honestly I don't care.

After a while, Soviet takes his seat next to me, and I wrap my arms around him, digging my head into his side and closing my eyes- not quite asleep, but on the verge of. I can still hear the conversations that are taking place, but I'm not entirely responsive to any.

An arm rests on my shoulder and brings me closer. About an hour of conversation passes around me until I hear Soviet laugh softly. This sort of brings me out of my half-sleep like state enough to hum in confusion.

"Dad's dead, murdered."
HAH, that hag has finally died. He had it coming though, it wasn't exactly like he was the nicest nor the youngest.
Olena further prompts him for more information.

And he gives just that; assumingly reading off of his phone,
"they say it took about 5 hours of constant torture. And when Russia found him, he had the following body parts missing;" he continues to lift his arm off my shoulder to count along with his fingers.

"the tip of his tongue, 4 of his toes, 7 fingers, 3 missing teeth, his guts, a chunk of both his knees, and one of his eyeballs."
He places his arm back on my shoulder.

"woah, do they know who did it?" Georgia asks, worried for her pa.
Theres a short silence before Soviet answers once more.
"no, but there was a name painted in his blood on the floor."

He leaves a few seconds for suspense, "Fairy the R.E Killer."
Wowza, good job whoever you are. Hopefully they never catch you.

Theres just a few noises of acknowledgement around the room before the conversation falls back to whatever it was previously.

By now I had come out of my half-sleep and propped myself up next to my lover; still leaning on him, but actually being responsive this time round.

"you well rested?"
Soviet asks, half-jokingly. I just nod in response, just savouring the moment.
God, he's warm.

I hear a ping from my phone, and see Soviets phone light up a few seconds later. We look towards each other concerned. That was odd, they generally don't go off around the same time, and if it was the group, there would have been more notifications by now.

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