HanaHaki disease-

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(Author's note: This is just an explanation of the Hanahaki disease to those who are not familiar with it. If you already know it, feel free to start at the next chapter!)

HanaHaki is a disease that one suffers from when they are dealing with unrequited love. The disease can be so beautiful and tragic at the same time. It is possible to be cured when their partner starts loving them back, so it would not be unrequited love anymore, but love so strong to make them all better again. HanaHaki causes the person to throw up blood and vomit, but with flower petals as the first stage. The petal of the flower is usually related to the love of their life, love that is not returned. Its like listening to a song for the first time in your life and knowing it would be your favorite, like a star. A star is something everyone wants but can never get, when you touch a star you get burned. The dying persons heart will feel like it just got ripped apart in a million pieces no glue will ever fix. The petals one can cough up with blood are usually their partners favorite flower, or a flower they are named after. Its a terrible reminder of how love isn't always charming, but can be deadly too. The second stage is when you start to throw up actual flowers, and not just the petals. HenaHaki can also be cured surgically, but theres always a catch. When the flowers are surgically removed, their love for their partner is gone, and they might loose all memory of their loved one. Not everyone is ready to take that risk, even when their on their last breath. People would rather go down with their undying love for their partner instead of living with no memory or love for them. When you fall in love, its at the most unexpected time. You see that person every single day in your life but one day something just clicks and you just realize how madly in love with them you are. All those memories of going mad for their partner and loving them so much till the point you would sell your soul for them are gone. Its not something anyone wants to forget. Its a stage in life probably everyone goes through. Its how everyone is made human. We live, we love, and we loose. Some people think they dont have much to loose if they take their own life away, but they loose their self and their dignity and passion and courage. HanaHaki doesn't just mean a random disease, it means so much more. Like the chapters in your life, the love you feel in your heart. That heart that lays on the left side of your chest and beats fast like circuits, runs like rollercoasters. Goes through so much and gets tired every single day just wanting to give up. HanaHaki makes a person realize who they are. Nobody knows if its a curse or a blessing, but it reveals about the story of love and how it doesn't always go through it. HanaHaki gives you scars, but you learn to cope with them. You may never be the same as you once where before those scars, but they make you who you are today, shows you that you are stronger than what gave you those scars. You learn to live your life to the fullest, not just because you only live once, its the opposite. You live everyday, make the most of it. You only die once, and who knows where we will be after we face death in the most disturbing ways possible. Love isn't who you kiss, its who you would die for. The third stage of this disease is when flowers start to grow in your lungs and spread out on your stomach and chest. The flowers that remind you of your loved ones spread across you everywhere. You cannot force someone to be in love with you just so you can be cured. Love can never ever be forced. If it was meant to be, no matter how impossible, unimaginable, or unthinkable. If it was meant to be in your life, it will be. Everything has its time and relies on patience. Just wait for your time. No matter if it was death. It was the universes plan, but you will be free one day. Promised.

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