Flowers Bloom

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He's gotta kill this love, (before it kills him too)

Lloyd loved spring, It was his absolute favorite season. Everyone knew that. One day, Kai asked him why.

"Hey lloyd" Kai greeted as he entered Lloyds room.

"Hi" Lloyd said simply, eyes still on his comic book distracted.

"Why do you love spring so much?"

It was that question that made Lloyd close his comic book shut and put it down, looking at Kai and thinking about his words thoroughly.

"Spring is my favorite season because flowers blooming in spring were always so beautiful. They added color to the world that was so bland and gave life to the surroundings. Sometimes they are given as gifts, often used to represent one's love for a person" Lloyd replied.

"Wow, our baby brother is poetic" Kai smirked and ruffled his hair.

"I'm taking that as a compliment" Lloyd smacked Kai's hand away and smiled softly.


Lloyd was only ever gifted flowers once. It was a time when his mother got home from work with a bouquet of roses in her hand. She handed them to Lloyd and he cherished them. They smelled amazing and the petals stood out.

"I love you Lloyd, always remember that" Misako, his mother, told him.

"I love you too mommy" Lloyd said while looking at the roses, all his attention focused on them.

Misako laughed in front of him, and cried tears of sadness at night as she went to bed.


It was when Lloyd was sitting by his moms hospital bed he finally understood why she gave him those flowers on that random afternoon.

"Lloyd, look at me" Misako put her hand under Lloyds chin and lifted his head to look up at her.

"Mommy, what's going on?" He asked between sobs as he bursted into tears.

"Please don't cry, stay strong for me" Lloyd nodded wiping his tears away.

He was amazed at how in such a bad condition, his mother still managed to smile with one look at him.

"I love you, always remember that" those were Misako's last words before she suddenly went limp, several doctors came into the room and Lloyds ears were ringing from the commotion.

"Charge! 1..2..3", Stay with us ma'm!"

"She's gone, time of death 9 pm"

Everything was blurry for Lloyd as he suddenly felt arms being wrapped around him and getting carried to a place he wasn't able to know where as he fell asleep on the person's shoulder.


Lloyd placed those same roses she gave him on her grave and hugged himself. Tears ran down his cheeks and he wasn't able to stop them.

"Its okay Lloyd, it will all be okay" Jay whispered to him and placed his hand on Lloyds shoulder.

He remembers the day his mother told him something he will never forget.

Lloyd was laying on his bed as his mom tucked him in.

"Be like a star Lloyd, something everyone wants but they can never get"

"Shine as bright as you can, whenever anyone looks at you they feel delight"

"They brighten up the dark sky, that is why they are so nice"

"Your a star Lloyd, your my star that brightens my dark days"

And then he used to instantly fall asleep as she finished and gave him a good night kiss.

Jay carried a sleeping Lloyd home that day.


The second time Lloyd got flowers was in the Nether realm. Akita approached him and gave him a Daisy.Lloyd blushed and thanked her.

All of his friends teased him about it, but it felt so good to just be given flowers. He put them in a cup filled with water on his bedside table, and smelled their beautiful scent every night before sleeping.

Lloyd used to hate flowers, especially the dead ones, but now he can't help but think that they are too innocent till the point no one would hate them. Yet, cruel people do. The same cruel people that took his mother away from him to rest.

He used to stomp on the dead flowers that he would see on the street. Now he gets caught by security every time when trying to pick a few lilies from a bush.

"Hey there, little guy!"

A police officer once caught him, and he was scared for his life.

"Yes officer?" Lloyd asked nervously.

"Your not allowed to pick those flowers, people work hard to grow them and now they're dead" Lloyds eyes widened as he looked at the dead flowers in his hand.

"Sorry officer, won't happen again" Lloyd replied, and the day ended with him stomping on the flowers on the street.

Lloyds mom taught him to love flowers, it was one hot summer afternoon in their garden.

"Lloyd! Could you get me the seeds?" Misako yelled.

Lloyd stood up from his seat and passed her the bag of seeds on the table in the yard.

"What are you even doing anyway?" He asked.

"Planting flowers" she responded with a smile and picked up the watering can.

"Why is it so necessary to plant some stupid flowers?" That made his mother give him a glare.

She then sighed. "Flowers remind us why rain is so important" Misako explained.

"But rain is awful, you cant even go out and play when its raining" Lloyd interjected.

"But rain is important. It makes a flower bloom. Each and every flower deserves a chance to grow, and to open its petals and shine" Misako said.

"You really are so poetic, why do still like flowers that much?" He rolled his eyes, voice filled with sarcasm.

"Well i suppose i don't like it that much, because even in a field full of flowers i would still search for you" she smirked and pecked him on the cheek.

Misako was a bit surprised when Lloyd rolled his eyes again, but when she saw him hiding a small smile on his lips she felt a feeling of joy that warmed her heart.

"Okay now stop wasting time and go work! I don't have all day for flowers" Lloyd laughed and put on some gloves, ready to help his mother make some new flowers shine.

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