Gonna finish what i started.

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There is nothing more sad than loosing someone you loved more than yourself.

But i cant say i lost you, because you weren't even mine.

Kai was concerned for Lloyd, the boy loved too deeply. It reminded him of something his mother, Maya, used to tell him when he was young.

"You can loose yourself in excitement, you can loose yourself in anger, you can loose yourself in happiness, you can loose yourself in fear, you can loose yourself in sadness, you can loose yourself in books, you can loose yourself in video games, you can loose yourself in actives, but never loose yourself in love"

"One day when you find a woman, don't love too deeply, you might loose yourself"


When Lloyd finally realized that Harumi actually loved him, he had an idea, and it was a real bad idea...

But to Lloyd, love always gave him the craziest ideas ever possible.

He thought about doing an unbreakable vow, or as some people say, a blood vow.

A blood vow is when you vow to something while grasping your own blood in your hands. It places a knife directly at your heart, and if you ever break that vow, the knife will stab your heart and you will die on the spot.

Love has driven Lloyd crazy, and for that, he brought one of his swords and made a little cut on his palm, where he got a bit of blood on his hands and looked up.

"I vow to never hurt Harumi" That was it, that was his vow.

Suddenly, Cole came into the room.

"Hey Lloyd" He didnt bother to close the door behind it, leaving it to slam and make a loud noise.

"Are you okay?" Cole noticed the bleeding cut on his hand.

"Its not that deep, don't worry i can manage" Lloyd reassured the older male.

"Alright, i wanted to come tell you some news, but it isn't pleasant"

"A lot of things in my life aren't pleasant, it couldn't be that bad, shoot"

Cole sighed rubbing his eyes furiously, "Akita's dead"

And thats when Lloyd's whole world stopped.


Cole stayed silent observing him.

"No, Akita's not dead, your lying!" Lloyd stood up from where he was sitting.

"Her brother gave us the news not long ago, she was murdered"

"NO, NO NOT AKITA, NO!" Lloyd screamed and sobbed, Cole felt an insane amount of guilt in him.

"Shh, its okay" He tried to calm the sobbing boy.


"Lloyd, i need you to calm dow-"


"We don't know yet..." Cole replied honestly.

"Get out" Said Lloyd.


"I SAID GET OUT!" Cole obeyed and thought it was best to leave the younger man alone for a while.

Lloyd sobbed and screamed all night. He cried himself to sleep on the floor.


Lloyd woke up the other day feeling miserable, he was lying in bed and soon realized that he was being embraced by Cole. Cole wrapped Lloyd in his arms and held him tightly, he listened to the younger man's heart beat. It played a melody of rage. Lloyd was drowning in emptiness.

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