The heart.

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Lloyds disease got so bad that he started throwing up a whole flower instead of just petals daily, and he started to see flowers spreading across his stomach and torso. It was torture.

But the thing that was the most torturous is that night in the bathroom.

Harumi's words.

Harumi stabbed him 19 times in the abdomen while Lloyd laid on the floor heaving, panting, and bleeding out.

"I thought you loved me" Lloyd cried out.

"You shouldnt love me, im a devil" she warned.

"I know, but i still want you so badly my heart literally aches" he smiled through the tears.

"Do you know what a devil is?" Harumi questioned.

"An angel filled with pain" Lloyd whispered. Harumi stopped dead in her tracks and glared at him.

"Your idea of love is too real for this fake world" she said showing no emotion, then brought her knife to his arm and stabbed him again. Lloyd screamed and sobbed even more.

"Please! Show me mercy!" He begged.

"I dont show mercy, mercy will bow to me" Harumi said.

Love is killing me.

And he didnt even know something so sweet like love could do that.

Lloyd found himself in the bathroom one night and wanted to never forget her. His heart is very dear to him, and he doesnt wanna betray it even more. Lloyd swears and swears that he would kill himself for her, and he doesnt even know why. He decides he never wants to forget Harumi and the lesson she taught him. The price of love, so he brings a sharp blade and carves her name into his skin, he sinks the blade deep until he bleeds and starts writing the name "Harumi" as if he's writing in pen. Lloyd knows the scar will eventually go, so he takes a lighter and burns it so it stays there forever. A mark of remembrance from his stupidity of falling in love. Falling in the trap.

Two souls dont find each other by accident.

They say money buys everything, but money cant buy love. Nothing can match up to love, but the saddest thing from betrayal and heart break is that it never comes from your enemies, but the person you loved so dearly, yet Lloyd loved Harumi more than she ever loved him. He overthinks, but he also over-loves. People usually say that love is never too much, but sometimes it can be too much till the point its a suicide situation. It could be too much till the point you get a deadly disease and die from this love sick feeling. Love is sick. Its a sick bastard and the karma you get for just loving someone is like getting arrested for a crime you never even committed. However, being in love is like you just committed a crime, thats why the worlds better off without it.

Vinny once told Lloyds father something he will never forget.

"Why do humans like to feel such emotions, i think it makes them weak" Garmadon says.

"You mean love? And happiness and kindness" That makes Garmadon gargle with a disgusted face.

"Yes, those... emotions" he cant even spit the words out of his mouth because Garmadon is the most emotionless and stupidest man Lloyd ever met.

"Well those are the things you experience daily, love is something that makes life worth living, it makes people rethink their decision about not surviving and staying alive" Vinny explains. Garmadon hums and turns his back to Vinny lost in thought.

But Lloyd cant completely get over Harumi, because in the back of his stupid mind, he still believes they will get their second chance to do it all over again.

Do what all over again, love?

Lloyd could end this suffering and pain from his disease, but he likes to think the HanaHaki disease is almost beautiful, its you dying from how strong you felt love for someone. Its also a bit tragic, dying with the reminder of your loved one in your heart and mind, but Harumi ruined his mind, she taunted him and made him think of all the things unimaginable. She played with him like a puppet with her controlling the strings, yet Lloyd knows that love drives you crazy, and if it doesnt your not doing it right. Love makes you insane, makes you go mad. Its why its so fascinating because this one simple emotion can do so many things to a person which could lead to suicide and madness and mental health problems. All from this innocent emotion that people feel for another and cannot control. You can never control who you love, one day something just clicks and it happens.

Its a crazy complex thing and Lloyd doesnt even know why it was created. Everyone is better off without such an emotion. Lloyd knows why the HanaHaki disease and love is so captivating. Its because it can be so tragic and beautiful at the same time. Tragically beautiful.

Harumi's like a drug to him, once you start you cannot stop. It started as a small crush and look where it ended. Obsession, and that obsession is getting him killed.

He hates her, he hates Harumi with all his heart!

But oh, how much he loves her.

But the only thing he learned in the end is that love is cruel, its cruel and the worst thing in the world, but in the end it really just depends on who you fall in love with.

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