Dangerously yours

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Harumi stood in front of Lloyd pointing a gun at his head.

"You mean your actually going to kill me?" Lloyd asked.

"I mean just that" Harumi said coldly.

"Well, go ahead"

"I'll do this my own way" she warned.

"You wont do it, you cant pull the trigger... you cant pull it because you love me, it takes a very brave and a very cold woman to do that Harumi. I dont think you can."

"If i betray Garmadon, i betray myself. If i betray you, i betray my heart. My heart is very dear to me"

"Dearer than I?" Lloyd questioned.

"If i fail now Lloyd, i should deserve to die. You tricked me into loving you" Harumi said instead.

"Aren't you forgetting that you came here for the same purpose?" He interjected.

"I couldn't betray you. I tried to tell you... you said you already knew, I was as honest as i knew how to be!"

"Do you think i wanted to love you? Knowing where you came from and what your mission was? Dont you suppose that every hour we were together i was thinking: "She's just pretending"

"I wasnt! I LOVED YOU!"

"And i loved you so much i let you pretend because... you brought something to my days i couldn't stand the thought of loosing you..."

"Go!" Harumi put her finger on the trigger.

"Listen to your heart Harumi" Lloyd tried.

"Your time is up" her finger was shaking on the spot.

"Then my last words... I love you Harumi"

"Your determined to die with a lie on your lips!?!?" She pulled the trigger and shot him in the abdomen.

Lloyd gasped, "I..." he started loosing consciousness, "..Love you... Harumi"

"Oh god..." she whispered as his body fell to the floor.

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