Gone Away

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The Hanahaki disease can be terrifying, beautiful, and so depressing all at once. Its why its called "Hanahaki" its a fusion of the Japanese words "hana" (flower) and "haku" (throw up).

Lloyd woke up that morning with insane pain in his stomach. He quickly ran to the bathroom and hurled all over the floor, not being fast enough to reach the toilet. This time it wasn't a flower petal with his blood. It was a whole entire jade flower.  

''Thanks for that Harumi'' Lloyd bitterly thought in his mind.

Lloyd and Harumi had different ideas about what love meant. Lloyd knew he was going to die and love was going to be the cause. There are more flowers growing in his lungs every day.

Lloyd always has been fond of flowers. Watering them is part of his routine. Jade petals make his insides delight. Thats until he met Harumi. Vines stretched his lungs making him breathless. The beautiful flowers that he always adored now continuously drop from his mouth. Crimson liquid puddled in his hand leave a stain while he still desperately gasps for air. A mix of bitterness and sweetness. That's what a pitiful person like him feels.

A sweet beginning-

Lloyd took his first look at Harumi and instantly adored her. He thought she did too. They talked nonstop and laughed. They kissed in bed, and he felt the smooth sensation of her lips.

With the lies that rolled off her tongue like natural.

Lloyd and Harumi even wanted to make their relationship official. He wanted to be her boyfriend so bad it made him desperate and determined. He felt butterflies in his stomach every time he looked at her.

And a bitter ending-

He threw up those butterflies that he felt in his stomach out of his system with blood. Harumi showed him her true face and it broke his little golden heart. She never loved him. Harumi was just playing with him. The easiest way to play with someone is to mess with their heart.

She even gave him a speech that showed him he will never forget her.

"Oh Lloyd, when will you learn?" She said chuckling, moving closer to him and grabbing his cheek.

Lloyd shoved her away.

"You can hate me for this and love me. If you love me I will always be in your heart, and if you hate me i will always be in your mind" she taunted.

And after that Harumi went to prison, but Lloyd hates that she was right. She will always be in either his heart or mind, and never go away.

A sweet beginning with a bitter ending, but before the last petal falls out. Can Lloyd at least gather them and give them all to Harumi?  As a token of his unspoken feelings. He loves her.

Lloyd wont do the surgery because of the oldest reason in the world.


Although the flowers that are growing in his lungs are beautiful, Lloyd still cant breathe, and its making him feel empty inside.

He still remembers the kiss with Harumi like it was yesterday.

"Lloyd..." Harumi whispered in his ear.

"Harumi" Lloyd replied, staring deeply at her blue eyes and sweet red lips painted like blood.

"I want you..." she begged, and he looked at her lips with determination.

Blue eyes met green.

Lloyd put his hands on her waist and pushed her closer to him, he cupped her face and kissed her for longer than he can imagine. The kiss was soothing and deep. It was one of the most elegant kisses ever. The French kiss.

The french kiss is when your partner uses their tongue to feel every single tooth in your mouth and admire it. It's more of a tongue action than a peck on the lips.

Harumi moaned in satisfaction pushing herself closer to Lloyd while their lips were still together. Her lips tasted like cherries and felt smooth like marbles, and light as the wind. It was a fascinating experience for Lloyd. It was his first kiss.

Lloyd puts his fingers on his lips still admiring the memory. That sweet love sick cherry flavor.

Love is sick.

But love is also blind. Lloyd and Harumi could stare at each other all day in her prison cell and still not feel that energy and connection around them. Love is insanely blind and also comes at the most unexpected timing. 3 years ago Lloyd knew about the Jade princess. He saw Harumi's face and felt normal, but years later after staring at her something just clicked. Lloyd realized something.

Im falling madly in love with Harumi.

He doesn't know what Harumi ever felt, if she ever did actually like him or not, but love never fails. That's his rule, and he will stick by it and wait for his time.

Though Lloyd has always been impatient.

He also wonders if whatever happened between them or the kiss was ever love.

Love never fails, if it failed it was never love.

Maybe it was never love in the beginning, maybe it was a sick game and a cruel joke to his face. Lloyd may never know. All he knows now is that he may never get over Harumi, and he may die right this second from his disease, but he will do everything in his power to prevent himself from dying. Dying from love of all things isn't worth it.

Lloyd just hoped that this disease would kill him already before his deep love for Harumi did.

Or before he killed himself.

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