Hate & Love.

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Lloyd started stirring as he felt that familiar pain in the back of his head ache again. He started gaining consciousness remembering what Harumi did to him... he shivered and flinched.

"H-Harumi...?" Lloyd whispered trying to sit up, he was in a pool of blood, his blood.

"Oh, so your awake now huh?" Harumi grinned and came closer to him.

"You...you lied to me, you deceived me!" He shouted, ignoring the screams in his mind to stop shouting because of how much it hurt his dry throat.

"Oh Lloyd dear, you forgot how close hate is to love" She spat.

"I loved you, but i still hate you!"

"You gave me your heart you know, and you'd like to return it whole again?"

"I gave you my heart..." he felt tears forming in his eyes.

"And i will squeeze it apart like i will do to your lungs until you suffocate" Harumi growled.

Oh... i think your holding the heart of mine.

My heart... just squeeze it apart, thats fine.

"I wasnt pretending you know" She whispered after a few moments of silence.

"I tried to not love you, you think i didnt know? I tried so hard not loving you because i knew what you were doing!"

"I tried to do whats right! I loved you, truly!"


"I was as honest as i knew how to be, i swear it!" Harumi looked at Lloyd's now glassy eyes.

"You swear it?" He asked.

"I swear it to the bottom of my heart!"

"Then why'd you leave me?"

"You've got to learn in life Lloyd, some things arent just meant to be"

"I could feel it Harumi, it was true love"

"We werent meant to be Lloyd!" Her voice cracked.

"But we could!"

Harumi scoffed, "You have a heart thats too big for your body"

Lloyd sighed, "Your gonna kill me arent you?"

"If i dont then this love will kill me itself, he will kill me" Harumi started tearing up.

"Who?" He questioned.

"I have to kill you... i have to"

"Harumi, who's forcing you? Please tell me"

"Its not like you could do anything" she spat.

"I can do something, it doesnt have to end this way, i could take you so far and we could run away and live happily ever after"

Harumi huffed, "You have an imagination thats too big for your mind"

"You dont wanna kill me"

"Oh but i need to, want and need are two very different things"

"You cant kill me"

"I damn well can, dont try me" Harumi took a gun out of her pocket and pointed it at him.

"You cant pull the trigger Harumi, you cant pull it because you love me"

Her finger was shaking on the spot.

"Love has driven me crazy, i need to end it now"

"It takes a very brave and a very cold woman to do that Harumi, i dont think you can"


"If your going to kill me, let me do it myself" Lloyd felt his heart beat like circuits.

"Are you crazy?"

"Let this last act of Lloyd Garmadon be my own, you owe me at least that"

"Sure, go nuts" She was gonna put a bullet between his two eyes before the alarms of the building suddenly rang.

"The hell is going on?" Harumi muttered before exiting the room and closing the door loudly behind her.

Lloyd slumped down against the wall, tired from their argument, tired from life. He let himself close his eyes, just for a minute, and everything turned black after that.


Lloyd thought of many things in the few hours that he's been kidnapped in. He especially thought of something unique that just added to the world, the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is a small action that leads to many big consequences. For example, him and the ninja agreeing to guard the royal palace turned into all this. What if that day he didnt agree to guard the royal palace? Would he have ever met Harumi? And even if he met her later on, the spark wouldnt be the same between them. That one small favor turned into all this.

Lloyd's thoughts were interrupted by noises outside, a few people having a conversation. He tried to listen in on them a bit.

"So what are you going to do now quiet one?" A voice asked.

"Im going to finish what i started" Harumi's voice.

"Im going to bring Lord Garmadon back from the dead"

Lloyds eyes widened in fear, he felt his chest tightening and had trouble taking a deep breath, his heart beat increased as if he just ran a mile and he tried gasping for air.

"C-cant, b...breathe-" Lloyd muttered while panicking, he heard this ringing noise in his ears as black spots invaded his vision. Lloyd was gasping for air in front of him.

"Lloyd?" Harumi asked hearing all the commotion, she saw Lloyd in his sorry state and rushed over to him.


"Ha-Harumi..?"  He said between coughs.

"Lloyd, i need you to copy my breathing" She held his hand and put it against her chest to show him.

"What the hell is happening?" Lloyd said as he felt his breathing slow down.

"You were having a panic attack, just breathe Lloyd, focus on my voice"

Lloyd swallowed and tried to consume all the air greedily.

As he felt his breaths go back to normal, he looked back at Harumi who had her head down and was suddenly interested in the floor's design.


"Dont mention it" She let go of his hand before giving it one tiny squeeze and walked out slamming the door behind her. Lloyd thought of this as living proof that she still loved him.

And Harumi always loved him from the start.

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