Ninja, go!

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Lloyd went to the library that day in his free period at school and tried to find all the books he could about the Domico family. He managed to find a few of the Domico ancestors and descendants. An ancestor was originally a witch and the magical ability was passed on to many, maybe even John, and he wanted to confront John about it to ask him if he knows how to end the HanaHaki disease for once and for fall, so when the school bell rang and everyone was allowed to to home, Lloyd went to Mr.Domico's office.

"Mr.Domico sir" said Lloyd entering his office.

"Lloyd! Come on come on dear boy, how can i help you?" asked John.

"I... well I kinda did some research on your bloodline, sorry to snoop, and found out you have magical blood" John went still and gripped the handles of the chair tightly, making his knuckles white.

"What do you want boy?" He said more coldly.

"Well, i wanted to know, since you have a magical ability, i figured you'd know how to stop the HanaHaki disease, because i want to stop it" Lloyd jumbled up with his words, trying to be a little respectful.

"Sorry?" John asked, he felt his chest tightening at that second.

"I want to know how to stop the HanaHaki disease" Lloyd said more confidently this time.

"Get out"



"But sir-" Lloyd stopped talking and decided it was best to leave, wondering why did John get so mad.

As Lloyd walked home, he went into the living room and found the T.V turned on to the NGTV news.

"A teenager at the age of 16 died today from the HanaHaki disease that spread throughout her lungs and whole body until she suffocated"

Lloyd turned off the T.V before he went to back outside to the city's library, deciding togo search for books on the HanaHaki disease where its written how to stop it.

He went into the library and started searching all the shelves, but only managed to find one book.

HanaHaki disease-

(Chapter 1 of this story is the book)

Lloyd read the whole thing carefully, but it wasnt written how to stop the Japanese legend. Only that the disease stops once your partner loves you again or once you get it surgically removed. He wonders why the 16 year old girl didnt get hers surgically removed.

It was like Lloyd's reason, she never wanted to forget her loved one, and would rather die with the price of loving him and the memory than to live with no memory of him and her love for him, and she died suffocating in an empty alleyway were her lungs collapsed, and no breathe was in her body.

"Why cant i find it, why cant i find it!" He mumbled to himself, but suddenly he got a text message from Kai.

FIYAHHH: Hey green bean, we were wondering if you wanted to do a gig at Sensei's old tea shop again, we need a singer (;

GreenBean: Hmm, tonight?

FIYAHH: Yeah, 8pm, can you make it?

GreenBean: Sure, i'll be there.

FIYAHH: Great! Cya there little bro.

GreenBean: shush.

Lloyd smiled pathetically at his phone, Kai always managed to lighten up his mood. He decided to drop everything for now and go back home.

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