Life and death.

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Some people think the HanaHaki disease is beautiful, some think its tragic, but when something really is both tragic and beautiful at the same time. Then that something should be destroyed. Nothing can have that much power in life, and maybe now Lloyd finally learned how to stop this disease for once and for all.

It started last week.

Lloyd sat on the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal while his aunt was sweeping the dusty floor. It was her sisters death date, he was also bummed about his moms death, but healed over time and accepted it, but his aunt, Allison, still refused to let go.

"He's out his head, I'm out my mind. We got that love, the crazy kind. I am his, and he is mine. In the end, its him and I" Allison sang quietly while sweeping. It made Lloyd think of something his father once told him when he was a different man.

"Only the ones who are heartbroken listen to love songs"

The doorbell suddenly rang, Lloyd's aunt didn't move from her spot so he decided to go and open the door.

"Hello?" Lloyd asked.

"Hey there buddy" it was one of his aunts co-workers that he's seen once in her office.

"Hi!" Then he noticed the roses in his hand, "why'd you get roses with you?" he asked cluelessly.

"Oh, these are for your aunt, is she home?" Lloyd nodded and called his aunt over his shoulder.

"Be there in a second!" Allison shouted.

"But the roses you've got are damaged sir" Lloyd interjected.

"Well, a rose is a rose" that was a bit weird, but before he could ask more, his aunt came and shoved him back into the house, then proceeded to close the door stepping out of the house.

"That man is weird" he mumbled to himself and went to continue his cereal.

Lloyd still remembers his aunts co-worker, mister Domico. A brilliant and bright man, but sometimes he says weird things, and people dont even understand him or how he thinks. John Domico has a strange perspective of life that nobody manages to see but him. He isn't afraid of death, but welcomes it like an old friend.

"Fear does not stop death, it stops life" John once said. The man had stage four cancer, but wasn't even upset about it. The day the doctors told him he simply laughed and said, "Well it was my time to rest anyway, i'll take it as a new beginning"

Lloyd doesn't blame John for his weird perspective or mind because he only spoke the truth about life. "Your life doesn't depend on your actions, it depends on your perspective of it" he once told Lloyd.

The whole neighborhood gossips about him, they say he's weird and should be put in the nuthouse. Lloyd doesn't agree though, he likes the way mister Domico sees life. Its carefree and not stressful. Its accepting the fact that your going to die soon and it will be your time eventually, so you gotta make the most of it while your still here.

But aside from his perspective of life, he's also completely nuts because of what he once told Lloyd.

"Hey Lloyd, buddy" he came over and sat beside Lloyd on his aunts desk, they were at Allison's office, and she went to help a client with something a few minutes ago, so Lloyd swt alone counting sheep in his mind to pass the time.

"Hi Mr.Domico" Lloyd greeted.

"I hear your having some trouble with that Harumi girl since she went to prison, is everything okay?" Lloyd tightened his grasp on the chair's handles, angry from hearing the name 'Harumi'.

"Yeah, everything's fine, thank you for your concern sir" he thanked the man.

"Anytime kiddo, but i just gotta warn you, watch yourself and your unrequited love for Harumi, you could end up being diagnosed with the HanaHaki disease" John warned.

"Hana- what now disease?" Lloyd asked confused, but John simply left before he could ask more, going back to his office.

He knew not to think about it too much since all of the kids gossip about John in school, and about how he gets these weird hallucinations or stories.

"Hey, did you ever research Mr.Domico's family name line, its some weird shit dude" Lloyd heard one of his classmates say one time in the school hallway in their free period.

"What about it?" asked his friend.

"Turns out his ancestors were descendants from magical people"

"Thats some weird shit dude"

"I know right"

The teacher then came and shouted at them to get the class and stop chit chatting. Lloyd ran away before she could see him, curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to go to the schools library for information about the Domico family.

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