A breath of Air

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A beautiful flower, so innocent yet so harmful. A flower in the lungs, a breath of fresh air.

When Lloyd first laid his eyes on Harumi, it was like love at first sight. Now, he is ashamed to say he was in love with her. Something just clicked so randomly that day and it was like he was seeing the most charming girl in the world, yet that love came back to bite him in the end. Love isn't always beautiful and romantic like in the movies, love can be ugly. It can take a whole different path, and that adoring love could lead to one's death. Now Lloyd isn't afraid of death, he thinks of it as if its a new chapter starting once he's on his last breath, like an adventure beyond this world and planet earth. He is fascinated by death, but something so innocent like love that causes the death? Love is supposed to be the most beautiful thing ever, some say love is blind, but love never, ever fails. If it failed it was never love.

Lloyd learned that the thing between him and Harumi was never love, or it was just that love failed him? Nobody knows.

When both of them went to the Oni temple together, it was then that Lloyd learned how tragic and devastating love could be.

How could something so beautiful and innocent also be something so tragic and ugly at the same time?

When Harumi asked him to pick up the mask, Lloyds eyes widened as he figured it out.

Realization hit him like a truck.

And then Harumi taunted him, she used his feelings and his love against him, and Lloyd felt like he lost himself.

"Nothing hurts more than a blow to the heart" she laughed, and that grin she had plastered on her face made his stomach turn.

Kai once told him something. You can lose yourself in excitement, you can lose yourself in a good book, you can lose yourself in happiness, but never lose yourself in love.

But Harumi was right. A stab wound could be treated, yet a broken heart couldn't ever heal. It's like she shattered it in a million pieces that no glue will ever fix. Lloyd lost himself in his love for her till the point he lost focus on the bad guy that was right under his nose.

Lloyd still feels that sweet sensation of her lips when they kissed. It was In front of the bright white moon in a vast pool of darkness. Her lips were smooth and tasted like cherries, something so sweet and crazy at the same time, but Harumi was a sick bastard. A sick psychopath.

The memory of her never leaves his mind, but his love for her was unrequited. Love being called unrequited is sorrowful. How could something so lovely get called unrequited. Love is everything, it's what gives us a reason to stay alive right now. What gives us motivation to do anything in life. Without love, its as if you were saying we are without hope. How could we abandon it when it's all we have.

And soon with his unrequited love, there came consequences.

Consequences to just loving someone, but who doesn't love you back.

It's unbelievable that love has consequences, but the HanaHaki disease is something created that gives us nothing but fear. Fear can control people. It can also make them prevent themselves from loving someone, just out of fear, and that's one of the worst things possible in the whole universe to the galaxy.

Lloyd one day suddenly felt sick in his room. He ran to the nearest bathroom and promptly threw up in the toilet. At first he thought it was just a flu, until something in the toilet with the vomit caught his eye. It was a flower petal, the petal of a jade flower.

Lloyd instantly knew what this meant, he lowered his head down in shame. How could he lose himself that way till the point he suffered from a disease that was his own fault.

The flowers that people cough up are usually a resemblance of their loved one, and it was a jade flower petal. It reminded him too much of Harumi. Harumi was adopted by the royal family when she was young. They called her the jade princess, and he adored that title and thought it looked good on her. He kissed her back and showed sign of affection towards her. He is guilt-ridden for being such a fool such a fool who just wanted to love, to get the feeling of loving, and this is what he got in return.

Lloyd thought of how he was going to survive, but he will never die just because of Harumi's lovely face, he will never die with the title of dying from HanaHaki, having unrequited love towards Harumi. She doesn't deserve that. Lloyd would rather die in a tsunami then give Harumi that satisfaction. That grin that always creeped him out.

He flushed the toilet and decided to go drink his problems away. The best solution that came to mind was a bottle of vodka on a comfy couch.

And then Lloyd lost his mind again, and it will surely also come back to bite him tomorrow with an insane headache.

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