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Lloyd experienced something on his way home he will never forget. Torture. When they finished their gig in uncle Wu's tea shop, Lloyd bid his friends goodbye and left the shop, on his way home. He decided to stop at the coffee shop and grab a coffee to drink.

"Hello! Welcome to Koala's caffe, how may i help you?" The waitress asked.

"Uhh, could i have one cup of coffee please, oat milk if you can"

"Of course, coming right up" she smiled and went to go make his order.

As Lloyd sat on the table waiting, he noticed a man in his mid 20's eyeing Lloyd suspiciously, as if he was a monster coming to get him. Lloyd felt nerves in his stomach as he wished the damn coffee would be served faster so he can leave.

As if on cue, the waitress came back and placed his coffee on the table, Lloyd muttered a thank you and took a sip, trying to down it all in one go to leave already. The man got up from his seat and Lloyd could feel him getting closer without looking at him, he just looked at his coffee and blew on it since it was really hot.

"Hey there, little guy, are you sure its okay for a kid like you to be out this late?" The man asked coming closer to Lloyd's table.

Gosh, did he look that small? Lloyd was 16 god damn it.

"Uhm, yeah, its fine" he replied nervously.

"You know, i could give you a ride to your house for you?" The man offered.

"No thanks, i can walk home its not that far" as Lloyd started drinking his coffee faster, he felt a little dizziness, like there was this pounding in his head.

"You know, people would pay a pretty penny for a guy like you" he put his hand on Lloyds cheek and started softly rubbing his thumb on Lloyd's skin. It made him want to jump on the man and scream at him to let go, but he managed to calm himself.

"I really gotta go now, thank you for your concern sir" Lloyd made a move to get up from his seat but the man grabbed his wrist forcing him to stay in place.

"Its not safe for a drugged kid like you to walk home alone at this time of night, let me help you" Lloyds eyes widened, drugged?, but he suddenly realized. The coffee!

"You... y'o dr'gg, d-, my..." Lloyds eyelids suddenly felt heavy as his words slurred, he really tried to stay awake but suddenly everything went black, the only thing Lloyd remembered hearing before he passed out was the mans wicked laughing.

A few hours later, Lloyd woke up in a dark room, his arms and legs were tried in a very hard knot.

"Huh..." he groaned, black spots invaded his vision.

"Well hello there!" A masked figure wearing a black coat entered the room. Lloyds eyes widened taking in their appearance, they wore the blue spirit mask.

"Why am i here? Let me go!" Lloyd shouted while his hands were shaking.

"We cant exactly do that yet dear, people would pay a pretty penny for you" even with the mask on, Lloyd could tell they were smirking.

"Who are you..?" He muttered.

"Cant you see it Lloyd, cant you feel it?" They had a deep masculine voice.


"I'll give you a hint" They got closer to Lloyd, and he couldn't move away with his legs tied up.

"The spider bit the mouse , sleep... deep," They were taking off their mask.

"Don't wake up or else, you'll find a spider in your mouth" The voice suddenly turned into a feminine soft one. As the mask was removed Lloyd's worst fear came true.


She suddenly got a knife out of her pocket, holding it close to Lloyd's face.

"You wouldn't utter a word, would you? I'd hate for my knife to so suddenly, slip" she held the knife from its end and brought it closer to Lloyd's neck.

Lloyd gulped nervously, he could feel his stomach turn.

"Have you ever heard of the different types of torture, Lloyd?"

He shook his head.

"I didn't think you would, such a sweet innocent gem like you" she put her hand on his cheek, rubbing his skin smoothly with her thumb. Lloyd flinched at the touch.

"Don't touch me!" He shouted, then her hand slapped his cheek hard, Lloyd gasped at the sudden move.

"Well, your about to learn" she winked at him, then another figure entered the room.

"Oh! Can i eat him? Please let me eat him!" They said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Mmm, not now, I'll need to deal with him first"

The night ended with Lloyd screaming in vain, a scream so petrifying it made his throat red and raw.


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