A Soulmate's Mark

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Two souls can fall in love at the most unexpected times and unexpected places

When Lloyd was high, he used to imagine him and Harumi being soulmates. A soulmate is a person ideally suited for another in a romantic relationship. They call it a "soulmate" because the other person is like another part of your soul that you can't live without, and someone that you have strong connection to that you can't explain. There are also platonic soulmates, those are soulmates who you don't exactly connect with romantically, but in friendship. They call it platonic because it isn't actually anything romantic between the two people, but they understand each other and love each other as friends.

Then he heard about a soulmates mark and decided to ask Cole about it,

"Hey Cole" said Lloyd entering Cole's room.

"Hey bud" Cole smiled and put his weights down, flexing his muscles first. Lloyd rolled his eyes and hid a smile.

"I wanted to ask you a question"  Lloyd told him.

"Yeah sure, go for it" Cole replied.

"Whats a soulmates mark" he asked.

"Mmmm, well do you know about soulmates?"

Lloyd nodded.

"Its honestly just a myth, but some people like to give stories about how soulmates usually have a soul mark, it's like a random mark on your body that your soulmate also has. It could be a scar or a birthmark, but something that reminds you of them" Cole explained.

"Oh alright, thanks Cole"

"Anytime" he smirked, "Also, i give great relationship and love advice if your now starting to ask me about soulmates"

"Ew Cole!" Lloyd giggled.

He chuckled, "Whattt, you don't have a girl in mind?" Cole teased.

"No, love is gross"

"You wont think its gross when you fall in love"

"I won't fall in love"

"Well then, if you ever do my doors always open. Even if you got a secret girlfriend without our permission" he grinned.

"Cole!!!" Lloyd shoved a pillow in his face embarrassed. Cole just laughed and ruffled the boys hair.

Lloyd had once almost died, but Kai saved his life.

"Hey Kai, i'm going out with some friends, i'll be back soon" Lloyd said quickly and rushed to the door, but before he could run out Kai grabbed his shoulder.

"Woah woah woah buddy, tell me where you're going first" Kai always acted like a worried mother hen.

"Just a car ride with some friends" Lloyd replied.

"Do your friends have a driver's license?" Kai asked.

"Uhhh" then Kai frowned.

"What car ride is this even?"

"Well my friend Andrew wanted to try to go over the speed limit by max and drive as fast as he can so it can be like a rollercoaster. It will be super fun! Wanna join?"  Kai was shocked by this and Lloyd honestly didn't know why.

"Lloyd, thats super dangerous. I can't let you go"

"Why not?" Lloyd protested.

"Crossing the speed limit by max is literally a suicide ride, you could get in a car crash or get hurt. Your not going"

Just then, Jeremy opened the door and looked at Lloyd.

"Lloyd, Andrews getting impatient, you coming or not?" The boy asked.

"Yeah, i'll be right there" but before Lloyd could even follow his friend out, Kai grabbed his shoulder and pushed him away,

"He won't be going, and neither should you guys. It's dangerous" Kai told Jeremy.

"Lame" he rolled his eyes and went out the door.

"You can't stop me Kai" Lloyd insisted.

"Yes i can, go to your room"

Lloyd groaned and ran to his room.

When he was young he hated Kai for that, but now Lloyd literally can't imagine what would have happened if Kai didnt stop him. Kai saved his life that day.

"Lloyd, i need to tell you something" Kai said with a deep sign as he entered the room two hours after their argument.

"What" Lloyd said agitated.

"Your friends, Jeremy and Andrew. They got into a car crash tonight, they both died"

Lloyd instantly burst into tears and Kai quickly wrapped his arms around him to comfort him.

"Im sorry, im sorry" Lloyd muttered between sobs.

"It's alright. It's all gonna be okay, shh" Kai whispered.

Lloyd cried his heart out that day until he couldn't muster up anymore tears.

There was also another time he faced the brink of death. It was with Harumi.

Lloyd just got back from a mission as the green ninja that time, a serpentine punched him in the face and made his nose bleed. He took off his green gi and changed into a hoodie and sweatpants, then Harumi came in with a bottle of wine in her hand.

"Lloyd! I got you something you might like" she grinned shaking the bottle.

"Your the best, i really need it right now. Red or white?" he asked.

"Red wine, your favorite" Harumi winked at him.

Lloyd blushed and got two glasses from the cabinet. Harumi started pouring the wine in the glasses.

"Since your really look like you need an extra strong one today. I got you a little something to make the wine stronger"

"You truly are the greatest Harumi, what did ya bring?"

"You'll see once you taste it. It's a bit stronger but will do" she turned her back towards him and didn't let him see what she was pouring in the cups.

"Well, whatever it is, i'm sure i'll like it because its from you" he smirked.

"Oh you'll like it, trust me" she giggled.

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