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Hello, my name is Amber Lynn Thompson and I'm going through a battle called Life, ever heard of it? It's one of the worst things I think someone could ever go through. My parents think I'm complete and useless trash, my "friends" or lack there of think that I don't hear all the stuff they say about me in the hallways at school, or the text messages they send about me. Even my teachers hate me, and I don't understand why. I'm number one in my junior graduating class, I try my best and have never failed an assignment let alone a class. But for some unknown reason, nobody likes me.

There is one person in this whole world that I can call a true friend, family, my best friend. That is my older brother, Christian. He's been there for me from the very  beginning, he helps me through the bullying I get from my family, friends and just the world in general. I couldn't think of anyone better than Christian in the entire world. I love him so much, and I know the feeling is mutual.

"That's it!"   I thought. Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I living such a life to where I am miserable, to where no one except one person in this world loves me.? I could just end it all now, I could just be don't with everything I've ever faced and it all be over.. Amber Lynn could be no more..

Is that what I want to do with my life?

yes..  I thought, why not?

I could end the emptiness of my life, end it all and never worry again. My parents wouldn't even know I'm gone, my friends? ha, which friends. My brother Christian, yeah he might miss me, but he might be relieved on not having to deal with me anymore, not have to deal with my constant cries to him about how bad my life is, not have to deal with my calls to him in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare, nothing! So he would get over it after a little while, get over me..

As I walked in the door to my house, knowing for a fact I was all alone,( because my mother was never actually here, she was always out drinking or partying or that type of thing.) I walked up to my room, knowing if I was going to do this, I needed to do it as soon as I could before I could over think it and decide against it. I walked to my mirror and looked at the reflection staring back at me.

This girl, who I didn't even see as me. She had beautiful, waist length, perfectly straight hair. She had these amazing eyes that had lost there sparkle way to long ago. She was amazing, but that was me on the outside, on the inside, she's broken, she's calling for help, but nobody seems to give it to her. She has no one, yet she is known by everyone. Known as the girl who is smart, yet no one likes her. Why? No one really knows. It's just a fact, no one on this earth, besides Christian Thompson, actually likes Amber..

As I grabbed a razor, and went to go get a rope from the garage, I really thought about it, thought about what I was about to do. I was going to end my life. I was going to be gone, gone from here.

I walked back up to my room thinking..."am I really about to do this?"   I knew better than to answer that question for myself. As I put the razor on my wrist and closed my eyes, thinking about all the amazing memories I have as a child. And then how one day everything just..changed. I don't know why, my brother doesn't know why, it just changed. He had the excuse to leave for university..but me? What was I supposed to do..

As a few tears ran down my eyes as it sunk in what I was about to do...The all too familiar melody started playing from my phone...and the  the words of the song began to play..

You're insecure, don't know what for...

How They Saved Me ( A One Direction Fanfiction. Completed)Where stories live. Discover now