Liam and Lisa....epilogue 1. :)

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Hey My people :)

What's up guys ?

Okay so I have gotten so much amazing feedback on this book and i'm so proud :)

I started writing this book one night when I was bored and now it's becoming something amazing !!

I love all my beautiful readers :)

Thanks for everything :)

~Victoria xx


Lisa's POV :)

Liam just called and asked if I wanted to go over for a movie night.

Of course I said yes :)

He told me to be there at 6:00.

I looked at the clock.. 5:15 wow!!

Where's the time go??

I quickly changed into my pajamas and grabbed my phone as charger and left.

As I pulled up to Liam's house he came outside and opened the car door for me. Than hand in hand we walked inside.

I plugged my phone into the wall and then went to the kitchen where Liam had already set out the Chinese takeout.

After eating he offered me a fortune cookie!! Yayy I love these.

........... Liam's POV.........

I watched as she broke open the fortune cookie and the diamond ring Niall helped me pick out fell out.

Her face was priceless.

She looked at me. I got on one knee and asked properly.

" Lisa. I love you so much. Will you please do me the honor if being my wife?"

She nodded as I out the ring on her finger and she leaned up and kissed me.

Then we snuggled on the couch and
Watched the notebook!!

*******Lisa's POV********

Wedding Day!!

I watched as Amber and Alyssa helped me finish up my hair!

Sarah helped me with my make up and all the rest f the girls were getting ready.

The girls bridesmaids dresses were pink and brown.

Baby pink strapless dresses that were floor length. With a brown bow tied around the waist.

Since amber was my maid of honor her dress only went to the knee but looked exactly like the rest of them.

The guys were wearing brown suits with a white shirt and a baby pink tie.

My dress was long white and beautiful. Haha.

"You ready Lisa ?" Amber asked me.


Since my parents had died in a car crash when I was little I had Austin walk me down the aisle and Alyssa was going to walk down by herself.

As the music began people started going.

First it was Liam, Niall and the pastor.

Next was

Harry and Bailey
Zayn and Perrie
Louis and Eleanor.
Liam's parents.
Ruth and her boyfriend
Nicola and her fiancé
Christian and Kayla
Sarah and Ed Sheeran
And Phoebe and daisy
And Liam's baby cousin Noah

Finally the song. Forgiven and lived by Jinny Needham started playing.

Me and Austin slowly made our way down the aisle and finally I was standing at the altar with my soon to be husband!

The ceremony fleewwww by and faster than you can say diddly doo me and Liam were on a plane heading to Hawaii for our honeymoon. :)


Hope you liked it :)

I just realized that we just have the next epilogue to Liam and Lisa

Then both the Harry and bailey ones.

One chapter after that and this book is done :(


Well, I'm gonna go start writing the next chapter !

Maybe it will be up tonight ?




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