Party and Peanuts.

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Hey guys <3

Is totally Tuesday !!


Here's your update.

Love y'all so much :)

This chapter is dedicated to @Luciol. Amazing person !!!

Thanks for everything guys and girls:)

Bye :)


Ambers POV.

We were on our way back to Nialls house. ( in Ireland ) I was taking to Alyssa.

"So Lyss. If you want to stay with me and my brother and Niall. There's plenty of room. Plus it would be awesome to have another girl in the house. " I told her.

" that sounds great !! I will probably stay with you. I don't think I can handle staying with the other boys. I would go crazy :) " she said

" okay. Well when we get home well have a party and all of the gang can come over. You'll love them and they will definetly love you " I told her.

Mass text message : to : Harry - Lisa - Liam - Bailey - Sarah - Austin - Louis - Ell- Perrie - Zayn - Christian

Hey guys !! Landed in Ireland a while ago !! Alyssa is amazing !! Can't wait for you to meet her !! Party at our house. On Friday at 7pm. Bring your favorite snack !! Love you guys !!

Amber and Niall xx

I got replies saying they would all be there.

We arrived at the cute little house.

It was simple but beautiful.

I walked up the stairs to Nialls room. Alyssa was taking the extra room.

I was going to crash with Niall.

It was only 7pm. Yet I was unbelievably tired.

I said goodnight to everybody and then went to Nialls room.

I Laid on the bed and crashed.

Friday Night..... Party!!!!!!!!!!!

Alyssa did decide to live with us !!

Niall is going back and forth.

Tommrow me and Alyssa are going shopping for new furniture. For her room.

Which is connected to mine

It's really cool at the bottom of y closet is a hatch if you open it it will lead you to the bottom of Lyss" closet.

It's amazayn !!!

I was wearing a simple red polo with tan shorts and gladiator sandals.

My hair was curly.

I was just finished setting out the last plate of chips when the doorbell rang.

I opened it to find Zayn wearing his signature look and Perrie in the cures little black tank top and blue jeans shorts with her hair in a ponytail.

" hey guys !!" I said giving them a hug.

" hey ambby " Zayn said.

" hey Amber !!" Perrie said.

Then walked in Sarah wearing a blue sundress with white sandals and her hair streight. And Austin wearing a white Tshirt with blue jeans.

" hey people " I said giving them each a hug.

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