Chapter II

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*a few weeks later*

Amber's POV.

As I arose from my sleep to turn my alarm clock off, I finally realized what today was. It was moving day. No not even just that. It was the day I would start my life completely over. The day that I could be anyone I wanted. I didn't have to be me anymore, I could better myself and be a better me.

I had been packing like crazy for the last few days. Packing everything I thought I would need. Not daring to leave anything behind because I'm not sure when it is I will be coming back. If I even return to this place. "This place". I never really did consider this house home after my brother left. Even after dad died everything changed. It was different, like a bad different. Never a good different.

I could have lived with a good different. This, this was what they called a messed up life. But it wasn't my life anymore. Somebody else could have it. It was all theirs. I had done my time.

I had said goodbye to my mother last night. I never really asked her permission to go. I didn't plan on it. My mother was just that, my mother. For this last chunk of my life she hasn't been my mom. Even if she were to tell me I couldn't go, I would just have my brother send her to court for being a unstable parent and he would get custody of me. I think she knew that to. Because she didn't put up a fight, didn't ask questions, nothing. All she did was say "okay, goodbye" in a barely audible voice.

I couldn't lie and tell you I didn't wish things were different. I knew I couldn't bring my dad back, but things could be different with the relationship me and Christian have with our mother. We could've had a good life. We could've been happy and I wouldn't be leaving across the world with my older brother in a few hours. 

I wouldn't miss her though. I miss the memory of her. But this woman, I don't think I could miss her if I tried.

My brother had our boxes with everything we owned pretty much, shipped over to our new house. I had already talked to my school about transferring everything over there and got that all squared away. The only thing we had to do now was actually get our butts on the plane in a few hours and go to London.

I loved saying that! We would live in London, London was going to be my home. I would never get tired of saying this. It had to be the best sentence I've ever said!

I quickly jumped in the shower to rinse off. I got out and braided my hair as fast as I could and then slipped on some VS sweats and one of my tshirts that I had not packed. I slipped on my Toms and then did a once over of the room. The only thing that was there was my mattresses, a lamp and my backpack.

I may actually miss this place a bit. It has been the only house I've ever lived in. There was many, many memories made here in this house. Good and bad.

Before I could get too deep into thought of everything that has happened in this house, I heard my brothers car horn beep from outside. A rush of excitement ran through me as I grabbed my backpack which contained my phone, charger, laptop, toothbrush, hoodie, and a few other essentials that weren't shipped off and I ran down the stairs.

I looked back as soon as I had gotten out the door and felt a single tear run down my face. Except this time, it wasn't a tear of sadness, it was a tear of happiness. I was actually leaving. This is the day I've been waiting for forever.

I walked over to the cab my brother had rented and climbed in the backseat. I turned to my left to see my amazing older brother with a gigantic smile on his face and tears in his eyes. I was a tad bit confused. But I jumped into his arms anyway and let him hold me while I clung to him just as tight.

"Why are you crying goofball?" I asked after a bit of time in his arms.

Without letting me go he replied, " Because I'm so happy I finally got you out of there. I did it. Me and you are going to start all over in London. London! Get this sis, we're going to like live there". I laughed and smiled at my brothers response.

"I love you so much Chris, thank you so much for doing this for me. You mean the absolute world to me" I  admitted to him truthfully, finally squeezing out of his strong hold.

He just smiled at me and we rid in a comfortable silence the entire way to the airport.

After going through airport security and finally making it to board on the plane, I stole the window seat. Just as the pilot had said we were about three minutes to take off, I gripped my brothers hand and leaned back in my seat. As the plane was taking off the ground, I whispered out loud

" Goodbye America"

The entire flight me and my brother just talked about life, slept, watched movies, and ate. It was truly a great flight and I got to spend a lot of time with my brother. He was explaining some of the traditions they have in London and things about the new house. He even told me he had a surprise for me in my new room. Which I was super happy about but at the same time bugging him the entire last hour of the flight to tell me what it was.

Finally the plane landed and we headed off. Seeing as we didn't have any luggage except for our backpacks, we just grabbed them and headed out the door to hail a cab. He gave the cabbie our address and in just about ten minutes we were there.

I ran out of the cab and through the front door.

"Second door on your right" My brother yelled as I was running up the stairs. I opened the door to find the cutest room ever. I had tan walls with lavender curtains and a zebra comforter. All my clothes had pretty much been hung up in my closet and the only thing left for me to do was unpack a few boxes and my new room would be officially finished. But the thing that caught my eye in the room was the balcony. It was amazing! It was also huge. It was the length of my entire wall, had two sets of beautiful glass doors that went out and had an amazing view. Each set of doors had lavender curtains on them as well. It made me so happy to see what Christian had done for me. I truly had the best brother in the entire world.

Just as I was taking it all in trying not to cry at how great my new life was starting out, my brother called me from downstairs.

I ran down the stairs and could see the backs of some people and my brothers face, " I want you to meet our new neighbors Amb"

I turned the corner only to have one of the biggest shocks of my entire life. It was like my air had all been taken out of me.

"Hi we're One Direction" Harry said extremely softly. Obviously scared I was going to go crazy fangirl on him.

"and your neighbors" Niall added. In case I didn't mention before, I'm a diehard Niall girl, so him being this close was messing with my brain cells causing them not to work properly so I could speak back. At least, that's what I was going with. They probably thought I was crazy. Only one thought formed in my mind at this moment....

" If this is what my new life was going to be like, I never want it to end"

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