Chapter IV

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The next morning...

You know that moment, that place in between being asleep and being awake? That's what I was feeling right now. It was amazing because I felt as if I could be awake without having to face the world around me. I loved that.

As I recalled the events of yesterday, they felt like a dream. I dream that I never though could be a reality. It killed me to even think about anything that was going on back "home". I'm sure no one has even thought of me or how much they missed me. I love my new life, and I want nothing to do with what's going on at my old house or in my old life. I could be anyone I wanted to be now, and I chose to be just me.

Fortunately for me, 'me' has changed a lot in the last day or so. Mentally at least. My mentality has  changed to what is really going on and that excites me beyond measure. I am really neighbors with the biggest boyband in the world. I am really living in London. I am really falling for the blonde-irish goofball. I am really here, in this life, and no one can ever take that away from me. This is me and Christian's life now.

I finally had the nerve to open up my eyes and glance at the clock, '6:45am'...No way am I getting up this early when I stayed up all night watching movies with Ni- NIALL!

I totally forgot about him and when he would go home and stuff. I jumped out of bed and stepped on something or may I say someone, soft and warm. I looked down to see the blonde boy rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and looking up at me.

"Fancy seeing you there love, mind looking down before you step next time?" His morning accent was amazingly beautiful and I can't believe he's here, just casually laying on my floor and talking to me because I stepped on him.

"Goodmorning Niall, it's too early to get up. Do you want to lay up here with me for a few more hours?" He nodded and came up to lay in the bed with me. We didn't sleep really close to eachother. We kept our distance in case my brother walked in. That would be pretty hard to explain and he wouldn't be very happy.

I am so in awe of Niall. He respected me enough to go sleep on the floor instead of sleeping with me when I had already fallen asleep. He's a teenage boy that respected me, himself, and my brother. I couldn't help but think that I may be developing the smallest little crush on  the irish boy.

I laid down next to -but not too close- Niall and let sleep over take my body. When I woke up again it was already almost 11am. Which makes sense because we stayed up way past 4am last night. I noted that Niall was a bit closer to me than he was when we laid down. A small smile formed on my face for that.

I use my pointer finger to poke Niall about twenty times in his cheek before he feels the need to open his eyes with a small laugh. He gave me one of his killer smiles before slowly sitting up. Doing the same, I heard my stomach growl.

"uhh..Niall, maybe we should go get something to eat?" I was hoping that he was hungry too because I didn't want to look fat or anything. His stomach let out a growl and I laughed at that because it was almost if his stomach answered my question.

He suggested that we go to McDonald's and go through the drive through that way we don't need to change out of our pajamas. We raced to his car that was parked next door in his drive way and both got in. We ordered so much food at the restaurant and then went back to my house and put on Finding Nemo.

He was drinking his Orange Juice and staring at me with a cute look on his face. I laughed and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"You okay there, Ni?" He had told me I could call him 'Ni' because we were friends now. Wow. Friends with a superstar. But to me, he didn't even seem like the celebrity I was in love with, he just seemed like my neighbor who I had a crush on.

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