Liam and Lisa..epilogue 2 :)

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Liam's POV....

I watched as my wife walked our four  year old son Michael into his first day of kindergarten. Meanwhile  I stayed in the car with our newborn baby girl Claire.

Michael has blue eyes and brown hair and Claire has blonde hair and brown eyes.

When my lovely wife stepped back into the car I could tell she had shed a few tears.

She was on maternity leave from her job as the principal of our local private school.

Yes we have millions of dollars in our bank account but Lisa refuses to stay home and do nothing. She started as a principal when Mike turned 1 and I became a stay at home dad.

I don't think she will be returning as one this year. She wants to enjoy time at home with our little baby girl.

As we drove up to our house I grabbed the carrier from the backseat that contained our sleeping newborn.

She is almost 2 months old.

After putting the baby in her basinet upstairs me and Lisa laid on the couch and watched a movie..

Lisa's sister picked up Mike from school and dropped him off at our house around dinner time..

After eating my wifes delicious Chicken alfredo we all just sat on the couch and laid there with eachother..

Mike was laying on my lap and Lisa had Claire in her arms..

That's when I realized,

I had everything I ever wanted, right here on this couch. <3



Soo its one more couple and then the final epilogue and then pooof... its done,... wow! I cant believe it.

Its just so crazy!!

Please go read my best friends @FaithJubilee7 s book!

Shes an amazing author!

the book is called E Network Connection!!

anyone who reads it msg me and ill give you a shoutout....

thanks for all you guys do to support me :)

Lots of love,

Victoria Grace xox




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