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This is just a quick review of families and children and locations :)

Niall and Amber Horan

Location : Ireland
Jacob Matthew Horan ( 3)
Tiara Grace Horan ( newborn )


Louis and Eleanor Tomlinson

Location : London
Children :

Marina Jane Tomlinson ( 4 )
Timothy Wiliam Tomlinson (newborn)


Kayla and Christian Thompson.

Location : Ireland

*Expecting a baby boy
* Melissa Anne Thompson ( 3 )


Zayn and Perrie Malik

Location : Bradford

* James Jawaad Malik (2)
* Brandon Robert Malik (4months)


Liam and Lisa Payne

Location : Wolverhapton

*Michael Andrew Payne (4)
*Claire Marie Paune (2months)


Harry and Bailey Styles

Location : Chesire

*Ryan-Dylan Styles ( twins) (2)
*Marissa Gemma Styles (6months)


Hope that refreshes your memory a lil!!!

Update will come soon!!

Lots of love,


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