Chapter V.

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Amber's POV

Meeting the girls was definitely one of the best things ever! Eleanor and Perrie were both super sweet and even though they were famous themselves, they just acted like regular people. I'm glad I get to see this side of them, I'm sure they have to act a certain way when we are all in public.

Liam's girlfriend Lisa was adorable. She was short, and had curly hair. Her and Liam looked perfect together and I'm so glad she was there to make him happy. He looked genuinely happy to have her around and that made the rest of us happy.

Harry even surprised us all with his new 'friend'! We all knew she was his girlfriend and figured he would tell us when he was ready. Her name was Bailey and she was funny, cute, and very bubbly. I could really tell that we were all going to be really, really, great friends.

Meeting Austin was really great! I never really listened to anybody but the boys but it was still exciting to meet another famous person and just treat them regularly. I could tell me and Sarah were going to be best friends so I'm glad that her brother is cool to be around the boys and stuff.

My brother then came in and we introduced him to everyone. Him and Austin instantly started talking about so many things and I was glad. I knew my brother needed a good friend he could confide in. Everybody was just laughing, talking, and having  a wonderful time and I was so glad.

I looked at the people around me and realized my life had changed so much, but I was beyond blessed with the people in this room, and I know that they will be my forever. I know I haven't known them long, heck it's been not even a month yet. But they are amazing and it feels like I've known them my entire life.

I don't love Niall, sure I know I love him as his fan. As his girlfriend though, I'm building up to that. I can see myself being with this dork for the rest of my life and just the thought of that makes me so happy.

We  had told the fans about us yesterday. It was pretty exciting, and also pretty scary! But all in all they took it well. Niall even made me a twitter so I can have them follow me and have some fans of my own.

We had decided to have one huge sleepover at me and Christian's house. I was beyond excited.

Austin, Liam and Christian stayed in his room, all the girls stayed in my room, and Niall, Harry, and Zayn stayed in the guest  bedroom. They offered to just go home but I refused to let them, I wanted everybody together in one house.

The boys were all hanging out playing video games while the girls and I just had a blast talking, sharing things about each other, and just simply hanging out. It was wonderful. I trusted these girls and considered them sisters now. One night can change a lot of things.

I shared with them about my past, and it turns out that Lisa's past is somewhat similar. She just graduated and now lives on her own. We played 20 questions and each of us had to answer every question so we could just learn a lot about each other at once.

Then we decided it would be nice to have a girls day out tomorrow. We went down and said goodnight to the boys and drifted to sleep in all of our makeshift beds. When I woke up it was almost 11 and I started to wake the girls one by one so we could all get ready.

After each of us getting ready we finally made it out to the limo (yeah, I know!) and were off the lunch and the mall. We shopped for hours on end, just having a blast and doing nothing most of the time. Being in each other's presence was good enough for me. It made me happy knowing I finally had friends. It made me feel wanted, loved, and just, finally home.

Perrie was just saying how nice it was that nobody had recognized them, when *bam* one girl goes "Is that Perrie Edwards?" and then another girl turns and realizes it's all of us and just like that, we have about 200 people running towards us at one time. Let me tell you, I don't think I've ever ran faster in my entire life.

Eventually, we found a small boutique who the owner had recognized us and offered for us to hang out in her break room while the crowds died down. Of course we accepted and that's where we are now. Bailey was telling us about how Harry had asked her to be his girlfriend and they were just waiting to tell us (I know, shocker! *sarcasm applied*)

We each went around and talked about our relationships, except Sarah. We talked about how dating the boys wasn't like dating anybody famous, we loved them for them. "Speaking of  love", I started. "NialltoldmehelovedmeandIdidn'tsayitback" I said it so fast I'm not sure they understood me but from the looks on their faces I'm sure they got the picture.

El just told me to calm down and tell them what happened and she would help me on what to do.

So I started from the beginning...

Niall and I were on a date for like the third time this week. We had gone swimming, tanning, eating, and now we were just sitting enjoying this beautiful view. Well he was enjoying the view of the scenery, I was enjoying the view of him. (whoops, didn't mean to say that out loud).

He looked at me and just by the look in his eyes, I could tell he was in deep thought.

"Princess, you're so beautiful. I am just, so lucky to call you mine. I couldn't imagine my life without you at this point. I know it hasn't been long and I know I might sound crazy but I, I love you Amber" He looked at me and gave me his million dollar smile.

At that point I didn't even know what to do. I just looked at him and hugged him, and I didn't say anything. He didn't pressure me to say anything. But, I knew he wanted me to say it back.

El looked at me with a face of concern. "Do you love him, Amber?"

Without hesitation I nodded my head.

Then Lisa got up, got everyone and up and said "Well what are we still doing here, you need to go tell him this!!" So we were off and on our way home, so I can confess my love for the one and only love of my life, Niall James Horan.

How They Saved Me ( A One Direction Fanfiction. Completed)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα