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Hey xx

I am updating !! Lol so...

I told you in the last chapter that there will be 10 more regular chapters..

3 chapters with everyone and 7 with each couple ( not including Niall and Amber )

So here it is...

Victoria xx


**Night before they leave for tour **

Ambers POV.

It's 1am and I have come to the conclusion that I can't go on...

I haven't slept a wink and I'm not going to be able to all night..

They leave Tommrow... All of the girls are going except Alyssa an Me..

Austin is going and is gonna be their opening act..

Kayla is gonna move in and stay here for a few months..

I'm gonna text Alyssa...

To : Lyssy Boo xx

Come to my room code peanuts.

- amber xx

From : Lyssy Boo xx

Coming - Lyss x

Just as I received the text my door opened..

Alyssa came in wearing a blue tank top and white sweats..

" what's wrong ?" She asked

" we have to go." I said

" go where " ? She asked

" on tour.. Austin gave you a ticket and I have the one from Niall.. " I said.

" okay. Lets get packing " she said happily.

She ran to her room and started packing and I went to my closet to get my big zebra purple suitcase

Nialls POV....

I couldn't sleep... We leave Tommrow and I don't have my princess by my side ....

I have to find out how to get her there..

I have to have her by my side for the next 6 months...

She's my everything..

I love her ....

Ambers POV...

Done ....

Me and Alyssa just finished's 5am. We already ate and talked to my brother about everything..

He thinks I'm making the right descion..

We decided since the flight leaves at 10 to just watch a movie then shower and get ready...

We watched " Mean Girls" which my brother joined us half way through.

Then we both went and showered and got ready..

I was wearing a black t shirt with hot pink sweats and my favorite black converse ...

As we put our luggage in my brothers car after the boys left to make sure they didn't see anything..

Then I got my purse and threw my laptop phone and wallet in it....

Then we headed off for the airport.

When we got to the special entrance for the private jets I was more than nervous....

I turned to Christian

" I love you..ill see you soon ? "I said

" ya were going to the last show. I live you too" I gave him a hug and turned to Kayla

" take care of him for me please " I told her as I have her a hug.

After Alyssa said her goodbyes we walked to the entrance that said 1D in big letters.

I saw Paul and his smile got a million times bigger...

" go get your leprachoun " he told me as he took my bags...

I walked to the entrance and everybody was here except Niall.

I got attacked by hugs and I ended up falling on the floor.

" Amber we missed you"

" amber we love you "

" amber. Are you going on your with us "

" amber I missed your face "

" amber did you bring carrot muffins ?""

The last one made me laugh.

Just then the bathroom door flew open and there stood the Irish man I love so much.

" amber ?" He asked quietly

" Yupp it's me " I said.

Alyssa got everyone to go to the other room so it was just me and Niall.

" I missed you " he said

"I missed you more "

I ran into his arms and just hugged him. And it felt like hours that we sat there hugging but it felt right...

" I love you" he said in my ear.

" I love you more " I said back.

Then what I have been wanting to happen for the last 11 days 6 hours 7 minutes and 56 seconds happened.

Our lips touched.

We moved in synch for a few minutes before breaking apart..

Niall pulled out a box from his pocket a ring box..

No no. No no no..

It's not that I didn't want to marry him...I wanted to marry him more than anything In the world just not now...

"Don't worry I'm not purposing " I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.." This is a promise ring ..I'm promising that we won't ever fight again..not like this at least.. I'm promising for you to be mine and for me to be yours forever.. I'm promising that we will get married one day..... Amber Lynn Thompson I'm promising to love you forever..." He took the ring out and grabbed my hand.

" do you except my promise ?" He asked me.

I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head.

We kissed and then we walked hand in hand to the other room where all the others were.

I'm so happy I have the love of my life back...


There you have it...

Back together !!!!


Love you guys

Victoria xx

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