Kayla and Christian..epilogue 2 :)

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Hey dudes and dudets :)

Well yeah I hope you like the chapter.. (:

love you

~ Victoria xx


5 years later...

Kayla's POV :)

Mommy..can I go with uncle Niall and auntie A tonight?" My 3 year old daughter Melissa asked

" Let me call auntie a and ask her okay?' she nodded and walked off...

I decided to just text amber and ask her..

To :
Amber !!(:

Hey Love :) Melissa keeps asking to go stay with you guys...I was wondering if maybe tonight I can run her by? If not don't worry and we'll do another time thanks babe xx Kayla

I put my hand on my stomach...you could finally see the bump..i was expecting a baby boy ..7 months in to my pregnancy... :)

I couldn't wait for him to be here and neither could Melissa

Christian couldn't wait to have a son and the boys and their families are super excited!!

I heard my phone ring signaling I had a text message..

From : amber!!(:

OH I would love if she stayed she keeps Jacob entertained and helps me with Tiara :) How bout you all come for dinner this evening around 6:30? Then you can leave my angelic neice here :) ~ Amber x

To : amber!!(:

Sounds great!! anything you need us to bring? ~ Kay x

From : Amber!!(:

Nope Just yourselves..:) ~ Amby xx

I heard the front door open signaling chris was home!!

" sweetie we're going to go to your sisters for dinner and then Melissa is going to stay there is that okay?" I asked

" Yes that's fine.. so its just going to be you and me tonight? " he asked a winked

" we already got one and another on the way babe...i think we're good.." I said and gave him a quick kiss and walked away..

We arrived at amber and nail's house just at 6:30...

As soon as we got inside amber took her bag stuck it in Jakes room and ran outside to play with him..

amber handed me tiara and me and amber sat and talked while Niall and Chris made dinner...

Dinner was lovely and after we said our goodbyes and gave melissa kisses and hugs we headed home..

After changing into pajamas and teeth brushing and all that rubbish me and Christian lay down on our bed..

I fall asleep to my husband tracing my stomach where our baby boy is....


Hoped you liked it :) wow!!! I have 136 votes ! that's crazy! I love you guys so much!

Update should be coming soon!

~ Victoria x

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