Chapter III

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Amber's POV

As I stared at these five boys in front of me I was speechless. Here standing in my living room is the biggest boyband in the world at this moment. They're my favorite band and worldwide popstars and they are standing here like, normal.

I guess ever since I became a directioner, I didn't really see the boys as normal people. I always figured everything they did had to be over the top or it wasn't good enough for them. But now, as they are standing here looking like normal people, I realize that they are in fact, normal. Not only that, they are in fact my neighbors too! Like, how cool is this!

After realizing that I haven't said anything in about a full minute and they probably think I'm crazy, I opened my mouth and introduced myself, "Hey guys, I'm Amber" I tried to stay calm, not sure if it worked.

As I saw that they were about to introduce themselves, I saved them the trouble and told them I knew who they were. Just a few minutes have gone by, but I feel like I'm comfortable around them now.

"Hey Amber, did you like your surprise?" Chris spoke to me.

Suddenly forgetting what it was I ran up and tackled him into a huge bear hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it and I love you so much!" I pretty much yelled into his ear. That sure had the boys laughing.

"What was your surprise?" I think it was Zayn that asked, I was still latched onto my brother. When my brother pried me off of him, I turned to the boys and awkwardly answered. "Well, my brother had a crew come in and pretty much set up my room and also gave me the room with the balcony in it! It's amazing! This whole place is amazing!"

Niall chuckled and looked at me, realization flashing through his eyes. "Your room has the balcony?!"

"yupp" I nodded.. "well so does mine and the last people who had lived in both of our houses were family so they had a gate put in to combine the balconies. Basically making it one big balcony and 24/7 access to each others rooms. That's going to be you and me!" He seemed so happy when he said that and that made me happy. "Niall, that's great! As long as you knock first!"

That made all the boys laugh and Niall came over and did something I never thought he would do, he gave me a 'Horan Hug' and I couldn't have been happier in that moment.

His hug was short and tight, but no matter what I loved it. After a few seconds he pulled away and smiled. Yup, this is why I was a Niall girl. After a little bit of talking about random things with the boys my brother asked if we wanted a tour of the new house.

Of course everyone said yes so we started making our way through the new house I call home. There was a bedroom for me, one for my brother, two extra bedrooms, an office, a kitchen, a living room and a dining room. I had my own bathroom, so did my brother, and there was one extra upstairs and one extra downstairs.

My brother had decided we would make one of the guest bedrooms into a movie/gameroom and maybe even make the other into a music room because we will never really have any visitors. But we will decide on that in the future weeks to come.

My brother had to go to work and each of the boys except Niall and Harry had to do something this afternoon so they were sitting here with me while I was making a box of mac and cheese because we got hungry. I couldn't believe this was my life now, making mac and cheese for two of the most famous teenage boys in the world? yeah, I'll take this over life in the states anyday.

Harry had to leave about an hour after we ate, so it was just me and Niall here at the house watching a movie. I suddenly got a good idea." hey. Wanna help me unpack my stuff and get my room together. I could use some help. " I asked with puppy dog eyes. I really didn't want to unpack the few boxes I had left all by myself. Because I'm lazy, you feel me?

He chuckled and then nodded his head turning off the tv and throwing away our trash, awe, what a gentleman. I asked him to grab me a water bottle from the fridge and then to come to my room. Since we had toured the house earlier, I knew that he knew where it was.

I don't know why, but it somehow seems like I've known Niall forever. Like we've been lifelong friends since birth or something. I can only hope that we are able to build a friendship. This seems like it is all my dreams come true.

"Okay Amber, here's your water" He handed it to me and gave me his smile. I am totally in love with that smile.

For the next few hours we unpacked, but mostly just hung out, talked and had a blast with eachother. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Some hours later my brother got home and we had dinner with Niall and even Harry had come back over, which made me happy. Harry seems like he could be a bestfriend to me and stuff.

These boys had me laughing and playing board games for hours. Since me and my brother were still on America time, when the boys got tired we were wide awake and made them still play with us. Just before sunrise, my brother and I gave the boys goodnight hugs and climbed into our own beds.

That is until a heard the lightest little knock on my window and looked up to see Niall standing there in his pajamas and a beautiful smile on his face. It made me smile so much my mouth hurt. I walked over the door and unlocked it. He came in and had some sour patch and some Snapple with him. My favorite two things, I had told him this too. Earlier when we had talked. Wow, this guy, he is the definition of perfect. I cannot wait to make memories with him.

He popped in Mean girls and laid back on my bed. He patted the space next to him while holding up the blanket. I climbed into my own bed and ate a few snacks, I made it through about half the movie before I felt myself drifting off to sleep with his arm around me and my head on his chest.

"Goodnight beautiful" I hear him whisper before a pair of lips were pressed to my forehead. and in this moment, I couldn't be happier.

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