Suprise. Suprise.

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I'm sorry in advance for this chapter.

I know that y'all aren't gonna like this but things couldn't be perfect forever

Love y'all :)

Victoria xx


Amber"s POV.

we were all just suing around the house. A few hours ago we all came over to the boys house and we couldn't figure out what to do.

I was laying in Niall's arms and he was playing with my hair.

El was with Lou playing on her iPad

Perrie was telling Zayn all about their new single coming out.

Lisa and Haz were watching a movie on his phone.

Liam and Bailey were just listening to music.

Sarah was asleep on the floor with mounds of blankets covering her.

And Austin and Lyss were on a date at the skating rink.

I decided we needed to get our lazy bums up.

Lets go to the park.

" Guys. Everyone get up and let's go to the park. Liam and bailey get the water guns. Harry and Lisa get the sodas. El and Lou get the sandwiches. Perrie and Zayn get the picnic blankets. Sarah get the heck up !! An me and Niall will get the desserts " I stated.

Everyone looked at me shocked. I guess I did sound pretty organized.

Everyone took of to do their jobs and Sarah went to clean up her messy looking hair and change from her sweats.

I was just wearing some short pink shorts a white tank top and some flip flops. All the girls were similar to me. While the boys had on tshirts and shorts with converse.

After me and Niall got cookies and cake and brownies and anything else we could find. We all piles into the van and drove to the park.

I texted Lyss and Austin just so they wouldn't be looking for us.

We drove to the park and started playing football basketball soccer baseball kickball tennis and any other sport possible.

We also had a HUGE water gun fight.

Alyssa POV :D


Austin texted me this morning saying he was gonna pick me up and then we were gonna go out !!

I'm so excited.

Me and Austin aren't official yet but it sure does feel that way.

We go out all the time.

We haven't kissed yet though.

Sometimes I say awake at night thinking what it would be like if me and Austin got married.

Other nights I think me and Austin are just a two month fling.

I really really really like Austin. I think he's the "ONE" but I don't know if he feels the same way.

It was 10am and Austin would be here at noon.

I had the house to myself since everyone else was at the boys house and Christian was at work.

I decided I needed to eat breakfast than I would get ready.

I went downstairs and mad a few pancakes and then spread Nutella on them and poured some Orange Juice.

I finished up breakfast in about 20 minutes and then went up to take a shower.

I put my I phone on the dock and put it on shuffle and then "Crazy Glue " by Jessica Sanchez came on.

I LOVE this song !!!!!!

I listened to the song while grabbing a pair of underwear and a bra and my robe.

I took a good shower and then out my hair up in my towel so it could start drying.

I went over to my closet ad decided on a cute Tank Top that said I Love You and it was red.

On the back it had a huge heart.

I grabbed some white short shorts and I couldn't find shoes that match so I used the flap thing in my closet to go to ambers.

I grabbed a pair of red converse and some jewelry from her dresser.

Then I went to my room and put on my clothes and jewelry and shoes. I painted my nails red and then put on a tiny bit of mascara and some eye shadow.

I blowdried my hair and then curled it into ringlets.

I heard the doorbell ring. Noon already ?

I quickly grabbed my phone of the dock out it in y purse along with my wallet.

I checked myself in the mirror an decided I looked good.

I opened the door to see Austin wearing a white Tshirt and some jeans.

" hey "

" hey "

Umm let's go.

I thought we were going to the skating rink but we go to this waterfall and by it was a cute table set up with a meal.

" listen I know this is not what you expected if you don't want to be he-"

I cut him off

" I love it !!!!" I screamed.

He smiled before opening the door for me and holding my hang.

We are and enjoyed eachothers company.

After we were walking hand in hand along the water when he stopped.

" Alyssa I just. Well I. I really really like you. And I. I. Will you be my girlfriend ?" He finnaly managed to get out.

I was so shocked but I nodded my head like probably a gazillion times.

He closed the space between us and our lips touched.

Nialls POV__________

I was hanging out with amber when all of us sudden I couldn't believe my eyes.

My old girlfriend Holly. Rumors were she had died of cancer.

"Nialll!!!!" She screamed I got up and turned around and I felt her throw herself on me.

Then I felt lips on mine and I knew right away that they weren't ambers.

I pulled away just in time to see Amber have tears running down her face. And El Perrie Sarah Lisa and bailey all glare at me before running after her.

" amber " I tried to get out but It was only a whisper.

I pushed Holly off of me and sent her flying to the ground.

I can't believe I may have just lost my princess.


There you have it. Their first fight.

This book has five chapters left till the epilogue. But the epilogue alone is like 13 chapters so ya. ....

Can't believe it's almost done. I rember when I started it.

Also awestruck ( my other book !! Go read !!!) is almost finished as well.

Well vote comment and spread the word !!

Love y'all xx


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