Christian and Kayla..Epilogue 1..

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hey guys :)

Im not even going to make uo excuses to why I haven't updated lately but ive been really busy!! promise it wont happen again cause I love you all to to much :) Thanks for the 105 votes you guys are the best :) About 6 months after the tour... Proposal..


Christian's POV....

I quickly texted my girlfriend..

To: Kayla <3

Hey! Im picking you up from work ok ? Im taking you somewhere... Be there at 5:15..Love you :)

About ten minutes later I got a reply..

From: Kayla <3

Hey!! Sounds great..Yuperz 5:15 sounds perf..Love you too !!!!!

I quickly finished up my lunch and headed home,,,

Just as I was about to leave Niall walks in,,,, '"hey bro "

' hey nialler sup?" I replied

" Idk...amber had a girls day with sarah so nobodys home........................"

" haha go hang out with the guys I gotta go im late to pick up Kayla "

" k, bye man "

I gave him a quick nod before getting in my car and starting the engine...


Kayla's POV (:

I sat down on the bench outside my work while I waited for Christian....

When I saw his car pull up I got up and got in....

" Hey baby girl " he said before greeting me with a kiss..

" where we going?" I aksed

" now that my love, is a surprise" he told me

I had fallen asleep when suddenly feel the car come to a stop...

I open my eyes and see where we are (( ahhh!! where we are!! cant wait for the album)


I smiled... I love animals! especially water animals (:

We walked hand in hand towards the entrance...

" be right back babe " Christian said and walked off I stood there just looking at the animals when I see what appears to be a trainer come towards me through the glass...

after he takes off his mask I realize its Christian!! what is my boyfriend doing in the fish tank with dolphins??

He pulled a piece of paper from his shirt and I had to read it 5 times before I processed what it said..

" Will you marry me?"

I nodded and he came out and kissed and hugged me before having me change into a wet suit and get in with him..


wedding day :) Kayla's POV (:



me and Amber were finishing up curling my hair...

Amber was of course my maid of honor!!

We went dress shopping about three months ago and had a blast!

All the girls are bridesmaids and my sister is too!

As our wedding colors we picked Blue and yellow!

The bridesmaids dresses were aqua blue with a yellow bow and a bouqet of yellow roses..strapless and floor length.............

Amber's dress was strapless yellow dress with an aqua blue sash and a bouqet of aqua flowers...

My dress was long strapless and lacy...

The boys tuxes were black with a white shirt and a aqua bow tie...

We were just about ready to start the ceremony...

the Pastor, Christian and Niall ( best man ) went first then

Zayn and Perrie

Eleanor and Louis

Liam and Lisa

Harry and Bailey

my sister and her husband

my mom


my nephew ( ring bearer )

my little cousin ( flower and girl )

And last but not least  me and my dad...

as I was walking down the aisle I realized ' this is really happening'....

I pretty much zoned out the whole ceremony and just stared at Christian...

" I now pronounce you husband and may kiss the bride"

Christian gave me a small kiss on the lips before picking me up bridal style and walking down the aisle into our new life......


hope you liked it :)

I'm really sorry about the long wait...

I might update tomorrow or the next day.. promise you wont have to wait longer than that :)

12.3 million!!!

3 years!


love you guys xx

~ Victoria







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