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About the Story:

This story takes place after my own version of the events of the House of M from the Marvel Comics, if you are not familiar with that, is basically THE moment on the comics when The Scarlett Witch goes cuckoo for coco puffs like in the MCU but worst, she disassociate changing the whole reality of the world and where her iconic like "No more Mutants" comes from, even is gonna be my own take on the events here for more in depth about that I'll leave you guys a YouTube video about it:

Also this story will develop inside earth is Earth-83666 which is an earth number I created to develop this book and maybe more content, it will also stand on itself so far, I'm still debating if this will flirt with another universes I created or not, so far I think not, but we will see.


This book contains strong language, mentions of death, sexual content, pill popping, alcohol drinking, a bit of a PTSD mixed with depression, fighting and violence.


I own nothing on this story except my OC and some stuff related to him, all rights to Marvel Comics and the creators or "Son of Satan": Martin Goodman, Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Gary Friedrich, Herb Trimpe, John Romita Sr., also Brian Michael Bendis who wrote the "House of M" comics and he also created Jessica Jones, I will like to credit Paul Zbyszewski as well since he did the "Helstrom" show, I don't think I have to disclaimer the MCU or Disney people as they weren't fully involved on the second one...so...yeah, but I do wanna add that there are a lot of GIF taken from other stuff and I give credits to the people involved on those TV shows, Films or Music Videos, even if I'm gonna use them with my own twist to reference characters from the Marvel Comics.


Copyright 2022 © | All Rights Reserved, no part of this may be copied, translated (without my permission) or stolen. Any resemblances to other works are purely coincidental. If there are any issues please message me privately

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About my Original Character (OC):

His Name: Phillip Jones is the actual name of Jessica's little brother on the comics and the show, in those he died during the car accident where their parents also died, but you may find him around as "Phillip Campell" on those stories since that is the actual last name of Jessica with "Jones" being actually the second last name (my shock when I discovered that), but anyway on my own twist of things both Jessica and Phillip ended up alive during the car accident, so, he is Mr. Lil' Jones

Physical Appearance: I tried to find the most "Jessica Jones" look alike faceclaim I could, but that was proven to be pretty hard and seeing the image of the comics of Phillip and how he looked on the flashback of the show, I thought maybe I could take some liberties and decided to go with Connor Paolo known from "Gossip Girl" and "Revenge", he has brown hair, light skin and brown eyes.

His Powers: Unlike Jessica, he didn't get the radioactive chemical enchantment that she got that gave her the powers from the car crash with the military convoy (that's in the comics, on the show she was on experimentation after the car crash and got her powers), so in this case I decided for Phillip to become a mutant once he hit puberty, his power is pretty lame, he is like a living lie detector, when he is holding someone's hand and ask a question he will know if they are lying or not, but in any way you may not see much of his powers because he is taking a medication provided by Hank McCoy to unable his mutation.

His Family: He had a mother and dad just like Jessica and sadly...he also HAD a sister...yep, on this book Jessica Jones is deceased...sorry

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About Me & the "Darker Universe" idea:

So, I don't know if you guys knew about this, but Marvel Studios actually had a plan of a series of shows focusing in more supernatural/darker characters, "Helstrom" was going to be the first one, then "Ghost Rider" with the actor of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." continuing his story since he basically moved through universes and yeet out of the show doing just that and also "Moon Knight" I think that was supposed to be part of the plan, hell even "Blade" would have fit the whole deal, but given that Marvel decided not to follow the shows that streamed on HULU (I think that included "Runaways" and "Cloak & Dagger") they cancelled any follow up to "Helstrom" which I'm not mad because the show wasn't all that to be honest, the lead actor: hot, the actors performances: interesting, the dark concept: nice, the whole plot and overall series: not so good.

But in spite of myself wanting to do what Marvel Studios didn't have the balls to do, I decided I wanted to have my take on this more "Darker Universe" and what better thing to do so with a whole "criminal drama neo-noir thriller" concept like "Jessica Jones" and taking the aftermath of a very defying event as it is "House of M" in the comics but with a much more darker twist that you guys will learn about later, but also adding the bits of "dark supernatural" and "horror" elements from "Helstrom" into it, with that in mind I decided to have my chance to also get out of my PG-13 books to do something more risky and less teenage/young adult vibes as I am a bit older than a young adult anyway (even if my mind still thinks like I'm 21 or 22), also I'm taking the chance to use characters from the comics that maybe you guys haven't heard and explore more about the darker and supernatural territory of Marvel Comics.

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A/N: With nothing more to say, I hope you guys enjoy and like this book, I'm sorry for the ones that support me and can't read "mature" content material...even...I realize they will not read this apology, but anyway, let's just expect a lot of things happening here regarding the rating of the book and the warning content I put before, but like I said this is my chance to do something more "age-like" for me even if I'm being honest I'm not a big fan of horror films or stuff like that, which is why maybe this will not have many "horror" like elements, but I'm gonna try my best to keep it twisted, moody and dark.

Also just so you guys know, I'm gonna take my time with this one as I know is a bit of a "my own satisfaction" kind of project with something not very mainstream, so I know there will not be many people reading it, so the "Cast" post will not come this week with this one, any kind of update of this book will be mostly on Wednesday unless I feel like doing something crazy, but so far, this is how this will go, see ya guys next week 👿🔍

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Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now