3} MA ~ Chapter 3

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3} MA ~ Chapter 3


Phillip and John followed Kali through Kamar-Taj this time the sorcerers and other practitioners around seem to took notice of both males following the Sorcerer Supreme and they seemed both surprised and angered about how they didn't saw them before and the private investigator just smirked.

"Jones, how come the sorcerers seem to take notice of both of us now?" – Asked John – "I don't like the way they are looking at us" – he added

"Hold on to your horsed John, they will not do anything to us, after all we are being walked around by the Sorcerer Supreme" – said Phillip while taking a pill jar from his pocket taking one out and swallowing it dry

"Are you popping pills in a...somehow sacred place?" – Asked John confused

"Trust me, you all need me to do so" – said Phillip

The blue woman started to go a down stairs direction of the place and the two males followed and noticed the place was very different from the other places around the Kamar-Taj, this didn't look like a chamber but a dudgeon for some reason and it wasn't long until they reached a door that the woman opened a door to see on the other side a man standing in front of a veve and also in front of him there was a cage with someone inside that looked like a woman but she didn't look human

"Jericho" – called Kali

"Miss Kali" – greeted Jericho bowing to the woman

"Have you made any advance with our guest?" – Asked Kali

"Guest?" – Asked the woman inside the cage incredulously before growling and jumping to smash against the invisible force that didn't let her out and the two males that came by realized that the woman had animal features a lot like a tiger or jaguar – "this is not way to treat your guests" – she complained

"Holy shit...what is going on here?" – Asked Phillip confused

"Jones?" – Asked Jericho confused

"Sup Brother Voodoo" – greeted Phillip

"What are you doing here?" – Asked Jericho surprised – "is it okay for him to be here?" – he asked the Sorcerer Supreme alarmed

"He will cause no troubles, he just wants to help his friend" – said Kali pointing at the other male that was accompanying the private investigator

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