1} RDR ~ Chapter 9

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1} RDR ~ Chapter 9


Phillip and Caliban were in the hall of a hospital outside a room siting on the chairs waiting for Izzy's parents while the teenage girl was on the bed inside the room watching TV waiting for her parents as well.

"Are you sure she doesn't remember a thing?" – Asked Caliban

"I took care of it" – said Phillip

"Which I might add to your knowledge that YOU taking care of something like that sounds dangerous as hell" – said Caliban

"Don't worry, it was just a little glimpse of them" – said Phillip

"Let's just be grateful that a glimpse of them didn't set the world on fire" – said Caliban

"I love how much you encourage and support my decisions, is really touching" – said Phillip rolling his eyes in annoyance

"Not that I don't trust Xavier's work, but those cages are never perfect" – said Caliban

"Stop with the negativity and anxiety, it's getting really old now and if it gets to me it might be bad too" – complained Phillip already annoyed of his friend

"Fine" – said Caliban – "how did you convince her about being lost and that nothing bad happened to her?" – He asked

"Hank backed me up and my whole story" – said Phillip

<<<<<<<<<< Flashback >>>>>>>>>>

"Thanks for this Hank, really" – said Phillip

"As long as this means to help someone other than yourself, I guess is not that bad" – said Hank

"Don't come at me with the morality speech now" – said Phillip

"What happened to her?" – asked Hank

"She was reported lost to me by her parents, I found out that she was killed by a low-class band to offer her as a sacrifice for God knows what, then she got possessed by a succubus because they mess up the ritual or something, she was on a rampage killing the band and targeting other disturbed males around" – explained Phillip

"You stopped her by yourself?" – Asked Hank surprised

"No, I got some help on that part, who helped me exorcise the succubus from her and heal her" – said Phillip

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