3} MA ~ Chapter 11

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3} MA ~ Chapter 11


"Now, this is the part when shit hits the fan and I have to get things done based on all the evidence I have, however...I don't know what the fuck is going on now, this doesn't make any sense, not all cases are close cases, not even for a private investigator, there are rare moments when a case can't be solved and it remains open, this had happened to me just two times before: Colossus disappearance, no matter how much Illyana thinks he is still around somewhere, I couldn't find any trace of what could have happened to him and an investigation I did on my own about the possible rebirth of Wanda after The Darkhold went missing, case still open because I couldn't find any lead to it, similar to this situation because I don't know..."

"What the fuck is going on?" – Asked Phillip out loud looking around

The private investigator was left in shock after Daimon disappeared in thin air with the N'Garai and that nobody else seems to be around, he had a bad feeling and he couldn't feel anybody, but something did felt deeply wrong, he had a gut feeling and his head was pounding, the pills didn't seem to work well, everything felt like...

"A lie...this is a lie" – said Phillip looking around – "HEY!" – He called without an answer – "ANSWER ME!" – He called again convinced someone will

The a N'Garai appeared ready to grab him but he turned in time to shoot at its head earning a screech while the creature burned and turned into fire thanks to the magical bullet that went on its head, another N'Garai appeared on his side and he turned shooting at it making it burn and screech, he kept his gun pointing around while he slowly turned in circle motion on his own self ready if another one N'Garai came.

"Come on!" – Yelled Phillip and then he took a free shot at a wall that instead of ricochet or create a hole in it, the bullet went through it – "what?" – He asked himself confused as he slowly walked forward until he stands in front of a wall – "ok...is all a lie..." – he stated before moving his hand forward

Instead of his hand touching the cave wall his hand went through it surprising him, he moved forward until his arm also went through but stopped once his hand touched something surprising him but also confuse as to the texture he was feeling, it felt gooey but also hard like he was touching a mix of slime with...

"Shit" – said Phillip retrieving his hand once the second possibility reached his mind and when he looked at his hand it was full off blood – "no...no, no, no" – he complained while shaking his hand to get rid of the excess of blood

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now