4} TMWCV ~ Chapter 3

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4} TMWCV ~ Chapter 3


Phillip was sitting on his desk looking through his laptop trying to see if he could find anything about Robert again, he took a couple of pictures of the man's face to see any match online but he couldn't and he even got suggested by him to look for information with his "superhero name" which was Sentry, but even with that he couldn't find anything about him and was getting frustrated.

"Robert whatever we are doing is not enough" – announced Phillip annoyed while hitting his hands on the sides of the laptop to avoid hit the actual thing

"You mean that you wanna go for round 5th?" – Asked Robert who was sitting on Caliban's desk eating something

"No, I mean, we could, but I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about your face and your superhero name, none of that worked to find anything about you" – said Phillip

"You are only delaying what could be easily done with the first thing I suggested for you to do" – said Robert

"I'm not going inside your head Robert, I can already see glimpses of things, but nothing related to your memories of being a hero or The Void thing and I'm not gonna go deeper in your mind" – said Phillip

"You won't or you can't?" – Asked Robert

"Xavier mental blocks and whatever spell Strange did for everybody to forget you is child's play for me when I'm with the Phoenix Force, but also unpredictable because I have no memory of what it could do to you or me" – explained Phillip

"I guess we are going for a tour like you said" – said Robert

"Yep, but don't worry, I'm not happy about it either, I don't wanna take a trip to memory lane, but I guess we are going to have to in order to help you and since there isn't any cases at the moment that require my assistance since the current case of a cheating is on Caliban's hands, I'm stuck with you" – said Phillip

"Okay" – said Robert just when a knock on the door was heard

"Speaking of the devil" – said Phillip walking towards the door – "weird...I can't read his head today" – he thought before opening the door surprised with who was on the other side of it as it wasn't Caliban – "for fuck's sake" – he complained rolling his eyes

"Phillip, are you okay?" – Asked Matt at the door of the young male's apartment who was wearing a big t-shirt and boxer briefs only

"I am, why wouldn't I?" – Asked back Phillip with the door half closed as he looked behind him to Robert eating before looking back at the lawyer – "I should have realize it was Matt, I put mental blocks on him because with his high senses his mind is a mess to even try to be in" – he thought

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