3} MA ~ Chapter 4

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3} MA ~ Chapter 4


"I know it must be kinda cliche that a private investigator doesn't trust other people after all the dirt we found, but I swear Miss Blue has something going on with the Tiger chick that doesn't click to me, but everybody is under her spell, even someone as tough as Sara and the dummy of Jericho who should be less willing to bend the knee when he practice darker magic than anyone here, but after the story that Strange told me long ago about the truth of The Ancient One I would be surprise that he isn't the only one here tapping into dark magic...and I swear that voice...I took my pills, I shouldn't-"

"Hey!" – called out someone lightly kicking the private investigator's leg

"What? I was in my inner monologue and resting my eyes" – complained Phillip

"You were sleeping" – said Sara

"And? I'm not bothering anybody and is not like there is many things to do around here while I wait for y'all" – complained Phillip – "where is Miss Blue anyway? I thought that if you guys were out already you will kick me out" – He asked

"She saw you sleeping and thought that you didn't represent any harm to anybody, so she let you here while she went to watch your friend and Jericho" – explained Sara

"If I didn't represent any harm sleeping, why did you wake me up even?" – Asked Phillip annoyed arching an eyebrow

"The Sorcerer Supreme asked me to wake you up and tell you to move elsewhere because you are close to the training section of the Kamar-Taj and could get hurt or worse knowing you" – answered Sara

"Oh..." – trailed Phillip turning around and seeing the few sorcerers around training trying to see if someone catches his eye to distract himself

"Nobody is gonna be around you except me, I'm gonna make sure you don't cause any trouble" – said Sara

"Cool, now I can't even get some around while waiting for Jameson" – complained Phillip while standing up and stretched – "so...where are we going?" – He asked

"We are gonna go through the room of The Sorcerer Supreme, because on the other side she has a resting area, is usually for herself, but she told me to let you stay there" – directed Sara walking away but stopping and turning to the male – "are you coming?" – She asked annoyed before continuing walking

"And you like to say that I'm rude" – said Phillip while walking behind her with a smirk

"Because you are" – said Sara opening the door and walking inside waiting for the other male to walk inside so she could close it

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