2} AHP ~ Chapter 3

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2} AHP ~ Chapter 3


"This is not superhero work, this is not superhero work, this is not superhero work...no...no way this is superhero work, I'm a private investigator, this is something an investigator would do or someone as normal and corrupt as the police, what happened with Izzy was an extra but that was definitely a private investigator case, not a superhero case, I don't know why Matt think this is, but is not that, no way I'm going back into that shit, no sir, in fact, I don't hope that this case doesn't have anything to do with supernatural things, vigilantes or superheroes at all..."

The private investigator arrived to the door of the apartment of Jameson and took out the keys that J.J handled to him to put it in the keyhole and open the door, he made sure to wear latex gloves to not leave his prints around since the reporter told him that after his own little research the police will come as well.

When he walked in he realized right away that J.J. wasn't lying about the place looking like trash and not trash as if is cheap or lazy, but trash as if he had a wild party and wild including wild animals or something, there were broken things all around, the walls had scratches all over, the mirror close to the exit was broken and by the print of someone knuckles on them it was no brainer that someone punch it very hard.

"Holy shit" – gasped Phillip looking around, he approached the mirror and measured his own punch to the one on the mirror and there was no way someone his size could have done it – "I'm nowhere near as muscular as John, but this is ridiculously big" – he said to himself moving his hand away carefully from the print

The male kept looking around carefully not to step on big chunks of glass or anything that could be an "evidence" for the police to go for him, he made sure to also wear his special shoes with no print on the bottom of them, the more he looked the more he worried, he couldn't care less about Jameson but the good guy inside of Phillip didn't let him not care about the wellbeing of someone even if it's related to the shady reporter, but nothing made him more worried than when he stepped into the main room.

"Ok...that's not good at all" – declared Phillip

If the entrance, living room and else outside was trashed, this room was beyond, the worst part was that it even had some blood spilled around coming mostly from a door close by, he walked to the door and opened seeing it was the bathroom and most of the blood dripped over the sink and yet another mirror smashed on top of it, the print seemed smaller than the one on the mirror close to the front door.

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