3} MA ~ Chapter 10

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3} MA ~ Chapter 10


"ANA!" – Yelled Daimon too late trying to catch her but he couldn't

Fire shoots out from the hole making everybody take a step back and then it stopped and the group looked at each other worried.

"Are you guys coming down or what?" – Asked Ana making everybody let out s sigh

"I don't want you to escape from this, so after you" – said Jericho to the tiger woman

"I'm deep in it and fighting to rescue a sorcerer whose people enslaved my people, I don't know what else you want me to prove but whatever" – said Tigra before jumping through the hole

"I kinda like her spirit" – said John following the woman jumping through the hole as well and Jericho came next floating down

"Funny, the furries like each other" – joked Phillip looking down at the hole – "so...I guess, I stay here, because I have no way to survive jumping that" – he added before the son of the devil grabbed him by the hips – "what are you doing?" – He asked confused

"You are in this mess, so no way out" – said Daimon

Daimon used telekinesis to float them making the private investigator put his arms around his neck before the blonde male made them float down the hole until they were at the bottom with the others, once they reach the bottom everybody looked at the duo with mix expressions while Ana remained with a teasing look, Phillip separated quickly from the man and stepped back.

"You're welcome again" – said Daimon – "that's the...fourth time already that I helped you somehow?" – He asked

"Shut up, I didn't thank you" – complained Phillip before looking around seeing that the bottom they reached seemed to have three paths to choose

"Which you should" – said Daimon

"We have a more important thing to do here, where the hell do we go" – said Phillip looking around the four tunnels around them

"The easy answer you may not like is to separate and take each" – said Jericho

"Is not an easy answer, is the stupid answer" – said Phillip – "alone each one of us could be vulnerable, with each other we can take them down easy like we did before, if we encounter by ourselves more than one of those things in there it will not be an easy thing to do" – he explained

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now