4} TMWCV ~ Chapter 5

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4} TMWCV ~ Chapter 5


"This...is usually the part where I'm like, I don't give a damn, I just man up and do the thing I have to do to get the information, the thing is that this is not a normal situation, I'm about to go through a trip down memory lane, which is my most hated activity that I avoid at all cost, but in order to help Robert and whatever this Void thing is, because in my experience when someone comes and yells "the wolf is coming!" you listen to them, he could be a time traveler for all I know like Bishop or Cable and I can't ignore that, I mean I could but..."

"Are you gonna go in or are we gonna stay here forever?" – Asked Daimon annoyed

"Leave him alone man" – complained Robert

"Ok, I don't need any knight in shiny armor, so back off Robert, just because we fucked is not like you owe me protection or something" – complained Phillip – "and you, this is not an easy task for me, I'm annoyed, disgusted and a bit scared to be honest, so shut the fuck up and let me see how do I approach this situation" – he said to the blond man next to him who looked surprised by his outburst

"Ok, damn...chill Jones" – said Daimon

"Sorry...both of you...this is just something I..." – trailed Phillip sounding tired just by the feeling of everything and looking at the window

"I'm sorry" – said Daimon moving his hand to grab the younger male's hand who turned to look confused at him – "for some reason I don't like to see him hurt like this, I'm used to his snarky and grumpy side more" – he thought

"Yeah...whatever" – said Phillip moving his hand away from the son of the devil mostly after hearing his thoughts

"I wish I could do more, I'm sorry you are hurting so much Phillip, I guess we all kinda left you out after the whole Wanda deal" – thought Robert

"Ok, both of you shut up your thoughts, I'm gonna do something that might not be the best idea, but it's what I think is the best for the situation" – announced Phillip

"Which is...?" – Asked Daimon

"I'm gonna take someone out of the compound" – said Phillip

"What do you mean by taking someone out?" – Asked Robert confused

"I'm gonna control someone's mind and make them walk out of the compound so I can talk to them" – explained Phillip

"That doesn't sound like a good idea, I don't think someone who hasn't see you in a long time will like to be mind controlled by you" – said Daimon

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now