3} MA ~ Chapter 2

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3} MA ~ Chapter 2


"What? I'm not welcome where you are?" – Asked Ana

"You can have her around here? The daughter of the devil but not me, really?" – complained Phillip pointing at the woman

"Daughter of the devil?" – Asked John with a mix of confusing and a bit scared

"Don't point your finger at me, that's rude" – said Ana slapping the younger male's hand away – "I'm here to give them an article that doesn't belong to my auction house and could mean troubles if I don't give it to the right hands" – she explained – "what are YOU doing here?" – She asked

"Not that it matters to you but I'm here to find out if my friend is an ex-werewolf or still a werewolf and what's up with this ruby that turned him into that" – explained Phillip – "but this bitch doesn't want me in Kamar-Taj" – he accused pointing at Sara

"What did I said about pointing fingers" – said Ana slapping his hand away again

"Stop it or you are gonna regret that later" – warned Phillip

"I will like to see how I'm gonna regret it" – challenged back Ana

"No fighting in the Sanctum" – nagged Sara

"It's fine, I'm leaving anyway" – said Ana eyeing at Jameson who stepped back while she smirked and she walked away towards the entrance of the building – "I'll tell my brother that you said hi" – she said before walking out

"The daughter of the devil, you keep contact with her and maybe even her brother, but don't wanna let me go to Kamar-Taj to talk to Kali, really?" – complained Phillip – "come on, you know...Wong would have let me go to talk to Strange if this was a different scene" – he added

"You are so-..." – started to say Sara getting mad but stopping before taking a deep breath and letting it out – "just this time, but if you use Wong's name again on my presence as a way to lure me into doing something you are the one who is gonna regret something" – she warned the male

"Come on Sara, you and I know that you can't harm me and if you do that is gonna ended up very wrong for you and everybody" – teased Phillip with a smirk

"Would worth trying anyway" – said Sara before angrily opening a portal for both males to cross and go to their destination

"Thank you" – said Phillip with a condescending smirk – "Jameson, let's go" – he instructed making the older male follow him through the portal that closed as soon as they cross it

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now