2} AHP ~ Chapter 4

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2} AHP ~ Chapter 4


"A werewolf?" – Asked Caliban

"Yes, I'm telling you man, it was wild" – said Phillip

"I bet, werewolves are supposed to be" – said Caliban pouring coffee on his mug – "but still...I have never heard of an Inhuman turning into a werewolf" – he added

"Me neither, but it's a possibility, after all Triton was very fish like and Gorgon is like a centaur, who says they couldn't turn into something like a werewolf?" – Pointed out Phillip as he added rum to his coffee

"That's true, but still it's weird to imagine" – said Caliban – "that aside...how was your reunion with Parker?" – He asked taking a sip with his coffee

"It was whatever" – claimed Phillip taking a sip of his coffee making a bad face about the taste – "it doesn't haunt me at night, but he did run way with my case, I looked everywhere for them and couldn't find them" – he added

"Maybe you should call him" – suggested Caliban

"No way in hell dude" – said Phillip

"He disappeared with the werewolf who might be the key for you to know about Jameson, so it all goes down to that" – said Caliban

"And I promise myself that no matter what, I will never ask for his help on anything EVER and I'll stick by that" – said Phillip

"Do you know how much Jameson paid for this case right?" – Asked Caliban – "I could make up a good prize for him as he is greedy and desperate" – he added

"Yeah, yeah, I remember is a three-digit number...ugh...I really don't want to talk to him" – complained Phillip

"Don't tell me you are still upset after all these years?" – asked Caliban

"Aren't my drinking, pill popping and promiscuity enough give away for the aftermath of everything that went down?" – Asked back Phillip

"Impressive that even you still know your problems and don't make the very minimum effort to change that" – said Caliban taking another sip of his coffee

"Why would I change the perfect balance of everything? Thanos will be proud of me knowing the balance I have right now" – said Phillip

"Right, because you avoiding everything and everyone with those three things is a perfect balance – said Caliban

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now