3} MA ~ Chapter 7

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3} MA ~ Chapter 7


"You really have a death wish Jones" – said Jericho about his idea of going to the Hellstrom siblings even he might end up killed

"I really doubt they kill me even if this is their fault though" – said Phillip

"Hope you are sure about that" – said Jericho

"Ok, so you die, what about me and my powerless self?" – Asked John

"So...my idea to you is...what do you think about using the stone?" – Asked Phillip

"Are you kidding me? No way!" – Complained John

"Jericho find out that even if you use it, you don't preserve any corruption from it inside, so not wolfy residues inside of you after using the stone" – pointed out Phillip – "maybe he knows a spell that can help you preserve your consciousness while in wolf form and in that way you may be able to defend yourself" – he suggested

"Wouldn't be easier if I just go? When you get teleported I go with you and ran away from you and all this as fast as I can?" – Asked John sarcastically

"If you are so eager to run away, why you didn't do it before? Why are you here with me instead of say "well fuck it, I'm good, I don't have any wolf in me, bye bye Jones, suck it", huh?" – Asked back Phillip

"Because I don't talk like that?" – Asked John ironically and confused making the private investigator let out a sigh

"I know Jameson" – said Phillip crossing his arms over his chest

"You know what?" – Asked John still confused

"I know you are here because you wanted to know if you still have any sort of special abilities on you after using the stone, because somehow even if your father hates people like us, you want to have powers" – explained Phillip

"What? No, no way, that is not why I'm here, you said it yourself you wanted to make sure if I was safe for your money sake and I wanted to know if I was safe as well" – assured John but his body language gave a tint of nervous

"You can fool me, remember the stupid power I have? I know when people are lying, come on, grab my hand and tell me again you are not here because deep down you want to know if you still have powers and would like that" – said Phillip extending his hand with his palm looking up

"Fine" – said John – "I'm not here because I want to know if I still have powers because I would..." – he started to say but trailed for a moment seeing the look on the eyes of the younger male in front of him that he could feel it was all a lie – "...because I would..." – he tried again but then grunted – "son of a bitch" – he finally said letting to the hand of the other man and sighed – "I would like to have powers" – he confessed

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now