5} DD ~ Chapter 2

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5} DD ~ Chapter 2


Hank was sitting on his desk on the hospital when suddenly a blinding light flashed around the place making him close his eyes for a moment and when he opened them Phillip was standing right in the middle of his office making the doctor jump back a little on his seat.

"Hello Hank" – greeted Phillip

"Jesus Christ, Phillip, you can't just appear like that" – complained Hank with a hand on his chest

"You used to be Beast and now you get scared by my sudden appearance using the Phoenix Force? Really?" – Asked Phillip

"In my defense my life can be in danger now that I'm normal" – said Hank

"It would be in danger against me in anyway" – said Phillip cockily – "whatever, now, for what I'm really here for...could you figure out a new med for me?" – He asked

"Well, here is the thing..." – started to say Hank

"What do you mean with there is no way for me to have any medicine that helps me slow down my mutation?" – Asked Phillip annoyed

"I-...Phillip, don't read m mind, it's not polite" – complained Hank

"I'm desperate here, try to be in my shoes and try not spoil yourself about things going inside people's mind" – pointed out Phillip

"Ok, point taken, but still not polite to do so when I'm about to give you the answer" – still nagged Hank at the younger male

"Whatever, don't hit me with the morality now and tell me what do you mean about the medicine not working?" – Asked Phillip crossing his arms over his chest

"Phillip, to be honest the last 5 years I been stretching Leech's DNA all I could with this medicine I did for you, it was just matter of time when it was gonna run out" – explained Hank

"Then what I'm supposed to do now Hank?" – Asked Phillip annoyed

"Phillip, it's been 5 years you have been delaying this far too long, I think is time for you to accept your powers and the Phoenix Force and live with it" – said Hank

"And wait until one day it corrupts me and takes over me?" – Asked Phillip

"Phillip, you are a very capable and powerful mutant, I don't think you will let the Phoenix Force just take you as it's hostage just like that, you already put up mental defenses against it" – said Hank – "it's time for you to embrace it instead of fearing it" – he suggested

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