1} RDR ~ Chapter 2

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1} RDR ~ Chapter 2


Phillip walked through the city using the map of his phone to let him walk to the location of the concert Izzy went two nights ago when she disappeared, it was a bar that was too far away from his liking but he hoped for the place to be at least open so he could have a drink while looking for information, unfortunately...

"What the fuck?" – complained Phillip seeing the place covered with yellow caution tape and police people working around it – "great, just great" – he said to himself grunting before approaching a policeman – "excuse me" – he called

"I'm sorry boy, but you can't go in, this place is closed for investigation" – said the Policeman signaling the investigator to stop

"What happened in here? I have a text from my uncle that he was drinking here last night and told me to pick him up, sadly I didn't read the message until this morning and now he is missing" – explained Phillip

"What's your uncle's name?" – Asked the Policeman

"Steve..." – said Phillip with confidence hoping for the best

"Steve Hale?" – Asked the Policeman

"Yeah, Uncle Steve, that's him" – said Phillip suddenly smiling realizing he guessed right a name – "is he okay?" – He asked acting concerned

"He is, but he is back in the station under questioning as one of the surviving witnesses of last night" – explained the Policeman

"Surviving witnesses? What happened?" – Asked Phillip confused

"Someone came last night and killed some people including the members of some local band" – said the Policeman

"Low Shoulder?" – Asked Phillip

"The same, was your uncle coming to see them?" – Asked the Policeman

"Hell no, but I knew they were performing, where they the principal target of whoever attacked last night?" – Asked Phillip

"What kind of question is that?" – Asked the Policeman

"Whatever, I'm going to the police station to see my uncle then, thanks officer" – said Phillip turning on his heels and walking away from the bar and stood on the sidewalk – "taxi!" – He called and once it stopped he got inside

"That was the first time that I used the name of Steve to get away with murder...okay, maybe is not the first time I use his name for my own selfish reasons, but it is the first time it worked, maybe I should buy him some flowers and visit him, but if I do that it means that I have to visit Jess too and I'm not in the right mind set to do so...gosh these headaches are getting bad, instead of thinking on seeing the death I should think on seeing the living and pay a visit to Hank to increase my dosage"

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