5} DD ~ Chapter 1

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5} DD ~ Chapter 1


"I used to say that a private investigator life was easy and pretty boring, always the same cases, nothing new, we are known for being yelled because we broke a home with cheating allegations that turns out to be true and is more fault of the people that cheated than us but still, we also hold the biggest and obscure secrets of other people that will ruin their lives and make them lose status or a job, now that part does kinda make me feel like I'm the shit, however, lately...my last cases have took a turn, possessed girls, a missing son that turned out to be a werewolf, the investigation of a moon rock that turned into the investigation of run out between two realms of hell and the lost memory former hero"

"Now, I'm not going soft at all by any means working with people or going through thing that I promise myself to walk away from some years ago, but I'm enough big of a person to admit, that at least these last couple of cases maybe are part of a world that I was running away from, but they have been new and exciting, being a superhero all in all is not something that I miss, mostly when I held the responsibility of such power as the one I'm currently host of, but if this boost me up to have better cases and work...I think I can bear with it for a little while..."

"...Who am I kidding, I'm not going back on that life, I'm not a hero, I told everybody around me that those days are far gone, heroes are not a big deal now, the biggest menaces on the world are ourselves, a lot of people with the wrong state of mind can get powers and turn into a problem but that could also be anyone of us, that could be ME, being the Phoenix also means that the dark side of this power is always creeping around and waiting to come out and play and I'm not going to let it do so..."

"So...I'm glad you let me comeback to the office and not push me away, but are you gonna talk to me or keep having inner monologues?" – Asked Caliban with his arms crossed leaning against his desk on Alias Investigations office/Phillip's apartment entrance/living room

"I'm fine" – said Phillip rolling his eyes – "I don't how much you want me to say" – he added while moving to grab his bottle of vodka but instead of pouring it on a glass he took the cap and drink straight from the bottle

"At least you are talking like a normal person with words and not through text messages and mental warnings" – said Caliban

"Yeah, well, I figure some shit out" – said Phillip taking another sip of the bottle

Phillip Jones ~ Hellstrom  {Part 5 ~ Deal with the Devils}Where stories live. Discover now