An Explanation

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Hello all that have come here to check this story out.

Now, I know all of you are used to me writing stories about the lovely little anime series, Little Witch Academia. I've been writing them for well over a year now and up to recently have been happy doing that.

However, the last week or so I've been thinking of branching off from LWA and writing something different. This does not mean I'm abandoning any LWA projects right now, but it is hard to write something when you are struggling to find the energy to write them.

And alas, I'm going to be writing this Helltaker story! For anyone who doesn't know what Helltaker is, it is a short puzzle game that is centred around gathering a harem full of sharply dressed demon girls (and one angel). I'm excited but also a little nervous about doing this as this is the first time I've done anything else other than LWA. But I feel that I will enjoy writing this and you all will enjoy reading it!

Take care now all!

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now